Best bumper sticker


New member
This is mine:



New member
Unfortunately, very appropriate theses days.

I want one what says..."If that taser comes out, your going to get shot, so think about it."

Then again, why would I want to warn them? :)


New member
Best bumpersticker for both parties.

"Run Hillary Run!"

Dem's can put it on the back bumper, Republicans can put it on the front bumper!


New member
A couple of my favorites:

"All the paranoid people are after me"

"Ony one of my personalities carries a gun...lucky for you."



I was always a bit partial to:

"I got a gun for my wife. Best trade I ever made."

"My kid was Inmate of the Month at the Oklahoma County jail"

"Don't like my driving? Call 1-800-EAT-****"

"Visualize Whirled Peas"

and finally, the king of all bumper stickers:

"Your kid may be an honor student, but you're still a dumbass!"

Chris in VA, I actually had a local company make up some long banner stickers that said "What Would John Moses Browning Do?" - Had one on my pickup for awhile, but not many people really got it, so I took it off.