Best Alternative to Carrying a Firearm


New member
There are three main types of sprays:

- stream
- fog
- foam

Stream sprays shoot a stream of liquid. The liquid is the carrier (usually alcohol based) for the agent. Stream has the longest range and is less affected by wind. Downside is that the liquid encapsulates the agent -- until the agent reaches the skin, the perp doesn't feel it. It also requires precise aiming.

Foam is similar to stream, but the agent foams on contact. Downside is that the perp can more easily scoop the foam off his face and throw it back at you. Like stream, foam requires precise aiming.

Fog sprays shoot a wide, dispersed fog. They require much less precision in aiming -- just point it in the perp's general direction -- and have less liquid encapsulating the agent. Downside is less range and less effective on a windy day.


New member
There are lots of (less effective but still useful) alternatives to carrying a gun.

There are NO substitutes for lack of a defensive mindset.

The less determined the mindset, the more ineffective the already less-effective alternatives become.

Fix the mindset, and the gear problem solves itself.

The best gear in the world won't solve the mindset problem.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to make another free adult human being solve their own mindset problem. There are a few things you can do that might encourage or discourage a minset change, but nothing you can do will make that change happen.

All that said, here's an article on pepper spray from my website: I've been meaning to do a similar write up for the TASER C2, but haven't gotten around to it yet. There's a thread here on TFL that discusses the C2 and several posts in it are thought provoking, IMO.

Good luck.

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New member
A self defense class (fighting, RAD, something along those lines). The main thing you want to develop is the awarness and survival mindset. After having a couple of "close encounters" you might be suprised when she comes to you asking for other more leathal alternatives.