Best .45s to own?


New member
I've been looking at the .45 for a while and can't really narrow down some choices. What are the best made guns, best prices and best looking and performing 1911 pistols to own? I've checked out Colt, Les Bauer, and Kimber. Frankly, in Massachusetts I'll have to wait for these guns to get approval for sales but some of the Colt pistols, pre a certain date, might be an option. In blue and stainless steel options -- what's your model choice? :) :p

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Not A 1911 But-

My vote goes to the world class Sig-Sauer P220!:cool: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
You live in one of the worst places in the world if by ".45" you mean M1911 clone. No new M1911 clones are available and used pistols command high prices, even poor examples. Pistols manufactured prior to 10/21/98 and in state can be purchased through a dealer, or manufactured prior to 10/21/98 through a private sale.

S&W is introducing a stainless M1911 at the SHOT show in February but it's not available yet. You can get Curio & Relic M1911's if you have a C&R license, which with a few parts changes can be gussied up to look and act like the newer clones and can be made to cost just as much. They're the same size, shape, and weight - that's why they call 'em M1911 clones You can buy a refinished Sistema Colt for $299 or a refinished Hartford Colt for $399 with a C&R license if you simply must have an M1911 clone.

You can get the superb SIG P220 in MA, at very competitive prices, and the S&W 45's and Performance Center .45's are also available at competitive prices, if you want a good shooting .45 - great shooting in the case of the SIG and PC models.

But if you must have a NIB M1911 clone right now, move. Until the AG's "safety" rules get overturned, without a chamber loaded indicator you won't be seeing them here. I collect real USGI M1911A1's but also have a Sistema to introduce people to what shooting a USGI .45 was like without handling my collector pistols. Otherwise it's a SIG P220 all the way.


New member
Can you get a Valtro?



Maybe a step up in initial investment, versus the brands you mentioned.


New member
The Valtro looks great but this IS Massachusetts. It really sucks here as far as the type of guns they allow and I think S&W's other chain doesn't want to do business here so their pistols will never be available for purchase. I've been wondering about the Colt in the Argentine Sistema. Any ideas how to find a good one, know it's good and what the price would be? It'd have to be used because they don't allow new Colt products in Massachusetts. :confused:


New member
In your area, with restrictions, I would consider on of the pre Colts you mentioned. I have been using some Old Mil-Specs and-well-they kinda grow on you. No bells or whistles-but they always work.
Do a search, somewhere CastleBravo has a review and pic.


New member
The Valtro looks great but this IS Massachusetts. It really sucks here as far as the type of guns they allow and I think S&W's other chain doesn't want to do business here so their pistols will never be available for purchase. I've been wondering about the Colt in the Argentine Sistema. Any ideas how to find a good one, know it's good and what the price would be? It'd have to be used because they don't allow new Colt products in Massachusetts.

Please note - to get a Sistema, you will have to apply for a Federal Curio & Relic license unless it is already in the state.

The prices people want here for M1911's are totally absurd. $1300 for a Series 70 Colt. $450 for an AMT Hardballer with pimpomatic grips. Etc.

New gun prices are not bad, they're often better than in ME, NH, or VT because the dealers are doing big volumes. I'm surprised Four Seasons in Woburn doesn't have a Sigarms truck backed up to his loading dock full time.

I don't understand your comment on S&W, most of their pistols, most of the SIGs, and most of the Berettas are available here, plus many used Glocks, etc.

Bottom line, you can scout around to buy a used Colt M1911 - or for less, you can buy a brand new SIG P220, or one of the S&W or Beretta .45's.


New member
I'm chiming in for the HK USP 45. can be carried cocked & locked like 1911, 10 round mags, very accurate, durable, reliable & comes w/ internal locking device which makes it at least partially Massachusetts friendly.


New member
Sven: No, Valtros cannot be sold in MA.

Kermit: HKs are not certified to be sold in MA. They could be, since they have all the "right" features near as I can tell, but HK has decided not to submit them for certification. So new ones can't be purchased and used ones are scarcer than hens teeth.



New member
Well, if you can still get older guns try to get a nice old Colt, pre-70 Series. Once you've owned one you'll forever stick your nose up at what's currrently being made.


New member
liketoshoot: New Glocks can't be sold in MA, only used Glocks made prior to 10/98. There are very, very few used Glock 36s. Not many Glock 21s or Glock 30s either. As a result, a Glock 36 essentially isn't a viable option in MA.



New member
Too bad about the glock restrictions. The 36 is a decent piece.

Look around for a used WWII original. You might feel tentative about shooting one, but if its already been shot once there isn't any serious collector value (Unless its a Singer...). Look for a shot Remington Rand US Gubment Issue piece. If its not NIB, you might get one cheaper, and it'll be the real thing, not some johnny come lately wannabe.