Best .380 or 9 for $500

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New member
I recommend the Ruger SR9c




New member
I came up with the idea of him trading me one of his guns for it.

Do all of these people posting numerious suggestions think the guy's cousin owns all of these differant guns, or did they bother reading the OP?:eek:

Get a list of what he has, and is willing to trade that you are interested in trading for. That would be helpful to narrow down the choice to just what is available.


New member
Cheapshooter, I understand what you are saying. But, he is not very vocal about what all he has. Even if I were to know what all he has, it would be a breech of the trust he has in me for me to post a list of even a sampling of what he has on an online forum. Yes, it's online only and I don't have my name listed, but does anyone really think that it can't be found out?

Regarding what role this gun would serve.... That is the tough thing, I have some range guns and some carry guns, and some both. I don't know what role I want it to serve. That's why I figured to see what you guys liked to see if that could also help me decide on a carry gun, range gun or a both.

That's a good reason I'm leaning toward the Sig 238. It is tiny and pocketable, but I have shot it and it's kinda fun to shoot at the range....

Argggghhhhh..... decisions decisions.


New member
Do all of these people posting numerious suggestions think the guy's cousin owns all of these differant guns, or did they bother reading the OP?:eek:

Get a list of what he has, and is willing to trade that you are interested in trading for. That would be helpful to narrow down the choice to just what is available.

I read the OP and I am under the impression that he is going to make up his mind on what he wants and then suggest his cousin go find that gun


New member

You mean an illegal straw purchase?

Well that is the way the OP reads to me, and would explain why there is no list of guns to choose from. I am not a LEO or FFL in his area though so I want to limit my response to his question about my handguns experience


New member
Well that is the way the OP reads to me,
Don't really see that in this sentence from the OP

So... I came up with the idea of him trading me one of his guns for it.

and would explain why there is no list of guns to choose from.

The OP posted later that hi cousin is very silent as to what guns he owns.

But, he is not very vocal about what all he has. Even if I were to know what all he has, it would be a breech of the trust he has in me for me to post a list of even a sampling of what he has on an online forum.

But I agree, without some idea of what his cousin is willing to trade it's near impossible to give him good advise. So maybe just a general list of appropriate firearms is all he can expect.

Mal H

Closed at the request of the OP. And I hasten to add it is not being closed because he is contemplating a straw purchase.
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