Bersa? Walther? Nope - Cheetah


New member
Bitttorrent: The NRA show was spectacular and from their recent tweet it was a record breaking crowd. Took the family for a couple of days and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The Cheetah feels good in my hand as well. I've never shot it but the thing just feels right. We'll see about that after a range trip. :)

Andrewh: Are you saying the recoil of the Cheetah is severe? Ut feels too heavy to be severe. :D Now the LCP is one gun I do not want to shoot again. Can't see how anyone would practice enough with that to get any good. :)


New member
yeah, felt recoil seems very harsh compared to even my full size 1911.

ranks right up with say an officers.

the p238 was like a 22, but the wife loves it so can't get rid of it for the other.

tip up because she can't rack the slide on a lot of guns, so she was happier with that feature.