Bersa pros/cons

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Here is a brand new Bersa DT "Thunder" .380, and an American
made Walther PPK that runs like champs~!


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New member
I'v had a Bersa 380CC for a year. It Has about a thousand rounds through it now. It did have FTF's and FTE's the first hundred or so, but has been flawless after that first two boxes. I like this little gun. It fits my pocket just right. The sights take some getting use to but I have no problem hitting an 8" circle at 25 feet. Keep it clean and well oiled and it will hang with the best of other brands. The best part is it was $305 with an IWB holster and two hundred rounds of ammo.


New member
OldShooter said
Well you might get a discernably better gun for more money, but a lot more money. You can find a Bersa for little more than $200. Sigs are what $700? The Bersa is a very good value for $200.

My new Sig P232 was $400, and other one was $315. More, yes, But I think the extra $$ are worth it. Both Berettas were $400 also.

I'm not saying the Bersa is a BAD gun. I am saying there are better guns. Having owned seven different .380s, the quality difference between them is easy to see. Design, materials, finishing, machining all play a part. If Bersa decided to build a gun in the same price range as the Beretta or Sig it would probably be a very good gun.


New member
Hear is a review of the Bersa Thunder 380 Concealed Carry ...

Bottom line ...

The Bersa Thunder 380 Concealed carry was worth the wait. The pistol functions reliably, is comfortable to shoot, and is easy to carry concealed. Rapid fire drills found the little pistol easily capable of keeping a magazine full of rounds on a standard silhouette target torso at thirty yards, and inside the head area at seven yards, again fired as fast as I could get the front sight back on target.

With the new Thunder 380 Concealed Carry, Bersa has another winner. It should prove to be as popular as the original Thunder. It is a great little pistol, at an excellent price. I like it.


New member
I've seen the Bersa .380 during my trips to various shops and it's peaked my interest. I'd like to have the caliber but already have a PPK style frame. It's the FEG PA-63. The gun is smaller and would fit nicely in an ankle holster or IWB holster, but the gun isn't that fun to shot. It's a very "hot" round for such a small frame. I'm accurate with it, but don't shot it alot.

Anyway, wanted to see if anyone has the Bersa .380 and the PA-63 ... and could take a picture of the 2 side by side for size comparison.


Thanks for the article ... swaying me towards a purchase with tax money. :)


New member
I hit the range today and while in the shop help the Bersa .380 Conceal & Carry model. It was VERY confortable, light weight, and would be easy to hide. Good stuff!