Beretta Neos 22LR Pistol, good buy?


New member
On sale for $230, and I thought this would be a nice Christmas giftf for my 21 y/o son. We've taken up shooting together at a nearby outdoor range, and I thought this would offer a fun new challenge for him. Anyone own it? Nice gun?


New member
That's not a bad price at all,,,

That's what I paid for mine over 2 years ago.

Some people think the NEOS is too funky looking for words,,,
But the fact is it has a nice balance with the 4.5" barrel,,,
And the 6" barrel isn't bad at all.

Remember though,,,
It has a very narrow grip,,,
It may not fit large hands well.

Overall though,,,
A very well performing handgun.

I put a $49.95 reflex sight on my 6" barrel,,,
It is now a clay pigeon buster at 50 yards distance.



New member
For the price I paid a couple years ago, $219, I consider the Beretta a "best buy". It isn't my favorite, but there is nothing to dislike about the pistol. It has a very respectable trigger and offers competent accuracy. It would make a very nice gift to your son.


New member
Was considering this as my next purchase since it has a carbine kit. Makes it look even more funky though. Thought it would also be a good way to bring my son to the range with me as a carbine and I could then use it as a handgun trainer for myself.


New member
Nice price. I'm one of those who can't really get past the NEOS's styling, but the gun largely draws positive reviews.


New member
I have one with a six inch barrel and I think it is a great gun. I have about 750 to 1,000 rounds through it and not a single problem to speak of. I got mine used with 5 magazines for $250 earlier this year. It was in pristine shape and I thinkit's a great gun for your son!

And Love those sights you added Aarond!



New member
Hello Grapevinebill,,,

Love those sights you added Aarond!

I got that particular one from Cabela's,,,
It was $49.95 normal price.

It's a little bit Buck Rogers in it's looks,,,
But my almost 60 year old eyes needed a bit of help.

That holographic sight is worth every penny I paid for it,,,
And it helps me channel my inner Flash Gordon. :D


Onward Allusion

New member
Beretta Neos 22LR Pistol, good buy?

It's love 'em or hate 'em due to the space gun looks. I love mine 'cause they are decent plinkers for the money. Double check the Beretta website to make sure that the one you will be getting isn't an old stock item that was produced before the firing pin recall.


New member
Unfortunately I don't have anything useful to add. I'm new here and to firearms in general and I'm highly considering getting this one for my first gun (okay, it basically is decided). But I did want to also thank the people who replied here for those of us that are shy and have been lurking the forums.

The only debate left for me on this really is if I want to get the 4.5" or 6" barrel.


New member
You want the 6" barrel. Longer sight radius. More weight. There's a reason most Rugers and Brownings have long barrels too.

Its a plinker/target gun. You're not carrying it. No reason for the 4.5"


New member
Hey jeic,

This was my first hand gun and I don't think you could do better. It's a great plinker fun gun as you have read. Get the six inch and you won't be sorry. Enjoy, be sahe and welcome tom the board.


New member
Thank you all. I did manage to have the chance to hold the 6" recently. My husband was keeping the 4.5" in mind for the lighter weight factor, but the 6" didn't bother me. Just wish there was some place in the area I could rent one.

I'll probably get one in the next couple of months. But Deadonmyfeet, you've tempted me about getting both eventually. :p


New member
You really don't have to buy two pistols,,,

Just buy a 2nd barrel.

It only takes about 60 seconds to swap from one to the other.

Buy the handgun with the 6",,,
And then the 4.5" barrel separately

Click here please.

If I'm out just wasting ammo with my buddies,,,
I like shooting the 4.5" barrel for fun.

Just a thought,,,
It worked for me.



New member
I have a six-inch version, too. Nice fun gun - everyone loves shooting it, from petite women in their 20s (my daughters and their friends) to my 84-year-old father (couldn't hardly get it away from him). Some people online have griped about the trigger, but mine is light and smooth, if not particularly crisp. I bought mine used, so maybe having a few hundred rounds through it improved it over its new state.

The only failures I have had have been occasional failures to extract when the extractor gets fouled. It is tiny, so a little extra attention there when cleaning pays off. Other than that, it eats absolutely anything, and is plenty accurate enough for fun and practice. Definitely worth the price you are looking at. Grab that sucker.


New member
I'll repeat a previous post I made about it...

It's a terrific gun, and very under-rated. Definitely recommend the 4.5" barrel version - the 6" and especially 7.5" barrels tend to be a bit front-heavy (although I guess if you're that rare bench rest pistol shooter, that super-long 7.5" barrel could be handy). There's also the carbine kit (now legal to take off - thanks, ATF!) that can let you leverage your investment in magazines.

A couple other cons besides the trigger and barrel:
1. The rear sight screw is notorious for coming out on its own. Hit it with some clear nail polish once you have it sighted.
2. The sights absolutely suck, and are quite literally the worst on any gun I own. I would kill to get some XS sights on it. If you buy a Neos, assume you will be mounting a red dot on it.


New member
OP here. Thanks for the replies. I just bought the Beretta, and thought the red dot scope was very cool, but the store didn't have that model or brand. I asked manager what he had for $50, and he said he'd drop price of Barska Electro from $70 to.$50. I boughit and store will mount and bore site it. Just finished reading online reviews of this particular Barska, and most say it is junk. Does anyone here own one? Junk, yeah or nay? I've got two days to tell the store to disregard mounting it, then return it.


New member
Barska = Bad,,,

Tell them not to mount the sight,,,
At least that's what I would do.

If you are referring to the sight on my NEOS (post #3),,,
It's not a red dot, it's a reflex style sight,,,
$49.95 at Cabela's on-line store.

Click here please.

This one was recommended to me by several TFL members,,,
It's been worth every penny I spent on it.
