Beretta 87 22lr currently in production, thoughts on buying?


New member
I have been on a .22lr kick this year and have bought multiple .22lr firearms, currently a pt-22 on layaway to compliment my 21a. I was searching and came across the beautiful beretta 87 which I thought was discontinued in the 1990's.
Is it worth the $800 price tag? I heard the magazines are $40+ each! Seems very well built and would last a generation or two just like a Ruger Mark series.


New member
I love the Cheetah series of pistols. I have two of the Model 85F series in .380.

I just performed a quick search on GunBroker. Two sold for around $450 to 550 range. One sold for well over $800. I did not pull up the auctions to read about the specific pistols as to conditions or if the reserves were met. There were a number of listing for sale in seven to eight hundred range.

It sounds like unless you get a good deal, you may have to pay. I would make dang sure I got a nice one if I had to pay top dollar.


New member
I found some new at buds, layaway 90 days. They run just over $800. I never seen one in person and I have been to a lot of gun shows, they are very rare.


New member
I own one that I purchased new,,,

I own one that I purchased new in 2011,,,
I ordered it brand spanking new.


The price of the pistol was $666.66,,,
With tax its out the door price was $725.00.

Is the gun really worth that much cash?

Well, to me it was or I wouldn't have purchased it,,,
But for me it was a nostalgic purchase of love.

My neighbors mom had a small (not the tiny one) Beretta .22 pistol,,,
If we were real good and didn't give her any hard times,,,
She would let each of us kids shoot a magazine.

It has a low round count,,,
The magazine only holds eight rounds.

And even though I love shooting at targets with it,,,
She's no more inherently accurate than my Bersa Thunder 22.

On the other hand the gun fits my hand perfectly,,,
When I pick it up I feel like I'm holding hands with Sophia Loren.

I have it paired up with a Beretta Model 85B in .380,,,
So I justified the high cost by creating a matching pair of pistols.

But in reality I just wanted to own one,,,
It truly is an aesthetic work of art,,,
That happens to function well.




New member
I originally wanted the m9 22lr by umarex because the beretta 22lr kits are no longer made? Good reviews but once again a cheap pot metal aluminum upper. That 87 appears to be high quality and made by Beretta. It just looks so classic from the 1970's and it caught my eyes.


New member
It just looks so classic from the 1970's and it caught my eyes.

That's pretty much my excuse as well.

Another guy on this forum once described his as,,,
"A real pistol that happens to be chambered for .22 LR."

It cycles with SV ammunition,,,
No need to beat it up with hi-velocity Mini-Mags.

You mentioned the M9 Umarex made pistol,,,
That is the size of the Beretta 92.

Be aware that the 87 is smaller,,,
Same as the 84, 85, & 86.


It's near identical in size to my Bersa Thunder 22.




New member
I wanted the Bersa 22lr along time ago, it was around 2012 I first saw it at a gun show. Then walther made the ppk 22lr and didn't know which one I wanted. Gave up on it and move down to another project, but that Beretta 87 though


New member
9mm, Years ago, I had two little .22 pistols I have always regretted selling. One was the little Beretta 87 .22, the other was a Walther PP .22. Both were beautifully fitted and finished, but the Beretta was the more reliable of the two. I've noticed that the current guns don't seem to have as fine a finish to the metal parts, or the same quality of wooden grips as my earlier gun. Also, a lot of verbiage has been added to the right side of the slide that my earlier gun did not have.

I don't know if the currently produced Beretta ,22s are worth it, but I have been tempted to purchase a new one myself to find out.....


New member
I've had both the regular 87 and 87 Target for years. Both are wonderful pistols. The standard model 87 is a very nice pistol. For me, there's nothing better than a blued pistol. The pistol is beautiful to handle and admire. Mine sees to display some pretty decent accuracy too.

Now, is it worth $800? That's a lot of money for a .22 pistol. I suppose you'll know if it is if you decide to buy one. But as others have said, you could always look for a nice used one on Gunbroker or Armslist and save a few hundred bucks. That's how I got mine.


New member
The 87 cheetah is on my wish list, don’t know if I’ll ever get one but it one of a few handguns I desire.

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New member
The magazines are $45-$50 each but buds has a few left for $31. Tempted to snag them now and buy the pistol later ;-) that's a savings of $15 a magazine. I wanted to buy a second Ruger mark 3/4 but this 87 is just too beautiful. The price is high but then seem to hold a lot of value.

It appears to be made in limited runs? I know the bobcat 21 is very hard to find and only in Inox. I think it's worth buying, once it's off the market it could be years before it's back.


New member
You can still find some of the Beretta 71 surplus Isreale murder guns that have the faux silencer.I got one that had the fake can removed. I like it so far but haven't shot it that much.


I'd much rather have a Beretta 70 or 71. The size makes more sense in .22LR.

Israeli murder gun? Not hardly. Israel used them to good effect against muslim terrorists. I don't recall them murdering anyone that didn't deserve killing.


New member
Well, if Beretta makes it and I see it in person I want it but it needs to be well supported. Getting mags for my 71 has always been an issue since the day I bought it new.


New member
Getting mags from Beretta was no problem,,,

Getting mags from Beretta was no problem,,,
At least it wasn't when I bought my pistol.

I just went on-line and ordered them direct from Beretta,,,
One came to me and it was smashed,,,
Beretta replaced it very quickly.




New member
My 71 came with 2 extra mags that were made somewhere but not labled. They work ok. I haven't got the sights set up yet. I am haveing some vision problems.


New member
I think CAI is still selling these 71's with the faux cans permenately attached. I read that there instructions on the web for removeing them.