Beauchamp Recants "Shock Troops" claims


The individuals in question did not have weapons pointed on the direction of American or other coalition forces, they were not firing weapons at Americans or coalition forces, they were not caught in the act of planting ieds. Based on the rules of engagement that have been in force in Iraq,

I surely hope that is not an accurate portrayal of the rules of engagement. If it is, no wonder we are losing this "war".


New member's not libel if it's true. Libel are lies put into print. But a brief search of a dictionary could have told you that.

You have accused a man of murder without any proof. You refused to address the situation with your chain of command which is further proof that you are most likely lying.

IF you are telling the truth it is still your duty to report that commander to the proper authorities, but you won't do that because you are not in possesion of all the facts and you know this.

Instead of trying to convince us you are telling the truth maybe you should put that effort to good use and bring that Commander to justice. Since you witnessed the murders and have stated as such on this public forum, if you keep your silence you are just as guilty as that commander you claim murdered those people.

At least Beaucamp took his lies to the media, you have what you claim is a real story of muder and yet you keep your mouth shut about it. If your story is true you are as guilty as that Commander for keeping silent and if it is not, then you are a Liar and an opportunists.


New member
The Colonel had already left for the night and the major was in charge of the night shift. Before the bomb drop was approved there was in all likelihood communication between him and the Colonel but I don't know for certain

And here is the most compelling part that you weren't privy to everything that was going on. In your own words you state that you are not certain that communication took place between the major and the colonel, which means other communications could have happened without your knowledge.

You do not have all the facts. Your claims are an opinion and not a statement of fact so quit trying to pass them off as facts.

Game, Set, and Match.


New member
Danzig, I know xnavy has done a pretty good job on this, but it bears repeating.

I'm not lying. It offends me that you are accusing me of doing so. Of course, I realize that I do not have a right not to be offended..but frankly, your statements are libelous. You'd do better to have some proof..not mere conjecture...before you accuse someone of lying.

And you had better have ironclad proof, and do the same, before you accuse your superior officer of MURDER.

To make the story short, 12-15 men who were not a current threat were pretty much executed by that commander. This was in clear violation of the standing rules of engagement which allowed the use of deadly force only when the insurgents presented an imminent threat to US Soldiers or equipment. In truth..there was never any real evidence that these individuals were insurgents...but they looked suspicious and so they were killed..dare I say, murdered.

The facts of the matter are that you are just making assumptions and opinions based on what you saw. But you did not see, nor where you privy to the entire scope of what happened by your own admission. I thinnk there is a reason why you are not in charge, and he is. It is appearent by your attitude and words here that you are very prone to knee-jerk reactions and assumptions, that may seriously jepardize others if they were placed under your command.

If you feel so strongly that your commander murdered these people offhand, then you are duty and honorbound to report him. If you are so sure he is a murderer and acted inappropriately, call him on it. If you do, you may not have to worry about that 3rd tour. You may just spend it stateside after all.

I tell you, with the stuff you are saying, you are VERY FORTUNATE that this is allowed to be an anonymous forum....or you'd be in dire trouble.....


New member

It's not too late to speak up now and do it through formal channels. If these events happened as you say, then you have a duty and obligation to make these acts known in something other than an anonymous internet board.

In fact, those on this board have an obligation to forward this thread to CID for investigation of suspected war crimes.

In hindsight, I neglected to ask which branch you were with. If you were a Marine, we need to send this to NCIS, correct? This presumes, of course, you weren't Air Force.


New member
I promise you that the forum and internet is not as anonymous as most people think it is. With the proper Warrant the authorities can find out exactly who DANZIG is and question him personally about his accusations.

This is all I have to say on this.
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New member
Both xnavy and buzz_knox are completely correct. Danzig, you are flat out, in print, accusing your superior of murder, AND giving some, albiet small details of a no doubt covert military action on a public internet forum.

This can, and no doubt will turn out very bad for you, if the proper people get ahold of this thread. I have no doubt you could end up seeing some formal charges for your accusations if you have no facts, and you should.

I also have no doubt that the administrators of this forum would have no problem cooperating with the proper authorities in investigating the mention of military operations and possible war crimes and misconduct on this board.


New member
I have no doubt that the administrators of this forum would respond that the purpose of TFL is not to report members' statements to anyone, and that this thread has drifted so far from the original topic that it should be closed. :(


New member
I have no doubt that the administrators of this forum would respond that the purpose of TFL is not to report members' statements to anyone, and that this thread has drifted so far from the original topic that it should be closed.

Who's reporting anyone? I was just reminding him of the duty under the UCMJ to report the crime he allegedly observed. It's not just a legal and moral duty and obligation, but (if memory serves) it's a crime itself not to report it.

I agree that the thread should be closed in order to preserve it and the posts contained therein.


New member
I also agree that the thread should be closed. No one is reporting anything to anyone, just mentioning the fact that if he believes this to be true, he IS duty bound to report it, as is anyone else involved who may think this conduct in inappropriate. And if accusing a superior officer of murder in a public forum is not inappropriate, then NOTHING is.

Good riddance to a thread gone bad. :(


New member
Many of you are right. I have been silent far too long. I regret not having spoken up sooner. I have contacted the Army Criminal Investigation Command. I hope that they will investigate what happened that night. If what I witnessed was truly a ROE violation then I hope that the matter will be taken care of. And if I am mistaken about the whether or not it was a violation at least I will have cleared my conscience of the matter. :(

Thank you for reminding me of my duty.


New member
Danzig, one, I did not mention to thank you for your service. I too am heading back to the sand box, albeit, the farther east box.
If you have reported this matter to CIS, you have done your duty, period. no further remarks necessary.
In future, however, it would be unwise to make statements about actions tantamount to war crimes, in a public forum, if you did not have all the facts . We should leave it at that.
Good luck....