Bayonet on an 870?


New member
First post here.....I want to add a bayonet on my 870. Why you ask... just because. There has been talk about a kind of lug to use to make this happen but I have a mag extension. Anyone know?



New member
Remington did make a factory bayo lug that went over a +3 extension on a 20" barrel but they are hard to find and pretty expensive.


New member
Wow, that is awsome, I want that next time I go party hunting deer.

Imagine the **** you can give everyone else if you get a deer with the bayonet!

Scattergun Bob

New member

Please only use this as fluff, the original bayonet attachment for a M870 was a massive support piece I remember to be 2 1/2 to 3" long and fully locked and supported the mag extension to the barrel. Had one in southeast Asia for awhile, fitted a M-7 bayonet.

I would be concerned about springing the mag extension if I did any serious frog gigging with that new fangled piece.:)

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member
There's a seller on Ebay who occasionally sells the original military version. It sells for approx 200 with shipping.


New member
Here is a photo of the M870 and the bayonet mount. Yes they are expensive, I seen a few for $600. Yeah its overkill. I have 4 870s, and acutally bought a M590A1 because one can neer own enough guns, they are stout as hell (as is the 870), and yes it holds a bayonet.

The M870 I was talking about



My 590


New member
I am not a Mossberg fan but might be now. Do tell more....what is thelug/mag deal you have going on there?

Overkill? Why not right?


New member
The mossies are easy, just a standard 590 with accessory lug.... I guess thats the political way of say bayonet lug since thats about all it can hold really. Its the M590A1, model 51668, which has the heavy barrel, ghost ring sights, speed feed stock, 8 shot tube, 20" barrel. Then I threw on a Lancay M9-LW bayonet. Will ever be used. No. Does it turn heads... oh yeah. I also thew on Vangs oversized saftey and their follower since the photo. I still have a factory parked heat shield to toss on there just havent had the drive to modify it to fit since they do not easily fit the heavy barrel but can be done. Its my only mossie and I am very happy with it. Even without the blade it still looks sharp



M24 from has this photo of his with the shield.


New member
30 some years ago, when I was doing an 8 year hitch in the Navy, I worked at a small gun shop in Chesapeake, VA. I enjoyed shooting and this funded my habit without impacting the family budget.

One Saturday evening, after closing up shop, we cut off a section of barrel on an old trade-in 12 gauge Savage pump. I needed something to hunt deer with since VA had mostly shotgun hunting areas (where I hunted).

We finished the barrel shortening and then started joking around about a bayonet. I belonged to a nice gun club at the time and while I spent 95% of my range time with rifle and pistol, I would occasionally shoot a couple rounds of skeet. I was less than half the age of the typical skeet shooter and didn't have a high end over-under or side-by-side....and I didn't even one of those leather pads on the end of my shoot upon which to rest my shotgun. (more about this later)

So yeah....a bayonet was adapted to the Savage. An old German WWI rifle donated the original lug which was heavily modifed....and I got my first lesson on silver soldering. We had to modify the bayonet a bit to fit over the barrel, but that was pretty easy.

I still have the Savage and would never part with it....just too fun to shoot and it has for years been the icebreaker for many conversations with complete strangers. Besides that, those skeet shooters from 30 years ago didn't know what to think when I shot a round with the Savage, bayonet and all. After a station, I would stick it into the ground while the rest patiently waited their turn with their high $$ shotgun resting on that little leather pad. :)

Here are a couple of recent photos.....


The lug we made. The bluing has worn off (I blued everything when we were done) since it was installed but given the number of times that bayonet has been on and off, it only means it has seen some use. :D

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New member
You could always just employ BUIS (backup iron swords). I think Blackhawk makes a MOLLE attachment for katanas, scimitars and tactical-length dirks.

Naw, good luck with it. If you Macguyver something, let's see how it turns out ;)


New member
I want to add one BUT I also want the surefire setup. Im sure there is a rail deal I could hook up with a light and a bayoney but that looks like ass I think.

Thank you all.


New member
This is tooooo funny.LOL.:D Just get a nice military rifle that a bayonet belongs on. It will look alot nicer on an Enfield than on a tacticool shotty.:rolleyes: