BATFE cracks down on ninjas


"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
--Amendment IV of the U.S. Constitution

"Give me the kid! Give me the f-----g kid!"


New member
Wow! I bet that when the BATFE head saw that he promoted them and transfered them to the firearms division.


As a sworn lifetime ninja, I protest this wanton ninja oppression by the federal pirate-backed government in the strongest terms!
Yeah, you think they pull over pirates driving BMWs? :rolleyes: discrimination has gone on long enough in this country.

On the other hand the fact that he allowed him to be caught is an affront to ninjas everywhere. Seppuku is demanded.


New member
An ATF agent yells, GUN. The student in question turns with a cell ohone in hand. Shots ring out. An innocent student lies dead. Couldn't happen? Why not? ATF apparently coud not tell he had no gun. Lucky break for ATF and especially this young man. What about next time? You know of course that there will be a next time!


There will be a next time?

Say it ain't so. Feds would never cowardly shoot an unarmed women holding a baby or terminate a child with a sharpshooter. And they would never block all points of egress and then set a compound full of innocents ablaze to end a "standoff" over supposed child abuse and firearms violations (which were never substantiated) killing the supposed victims in the process. Puleez that is just right-wing paranoia. These things never happened. Just ask Janet Reno.

The BATFE and other Federal LE agencies are full of fine, upstanding, woman and child- murdering jack-booted thugs. They are just misunderstood. Love them. Embrace the police state. They will keep you safe, warm (think flamethrower), and cozy-while putting a boot to the back of your head, killing your wife and children and taking away your freedom from illegal search and seizures your guns and your religion. God help you if you are a law-abiding Christian gun owner. They got their sights on you.

I think the band Slipknot might have been addressing the BATFE when they sang

"you can't take my soul away from f..k you"



New member
At least I can take comfort that waco was an exception and not the rule? or only until I decide the gub'mint's gone too far and decide to join a suvivalist group in some boonies somewhere? Isn't still a right to go be a hermit with several hundred of your closest friends while purchasing every small arm you can get your hands on? Wasn't this nation founded on the very idea of marchin off to some quiet corner, gun in one hand, raised middle finger in the other (general directed at 'the man')?