BATFE cracks down on ninjas


Doesn't the BATFE have better things to do than go after crazy college students? Not a gun in sight, and still the BATFE can't stop themselves.

This is why I despise the idea of federal agents acting to enforce laws outside of their primary areas of concern. College environments needs to be dealt with by people familiar with college environments, not some federal toads who showed up for "community training." (Which I suspect means training everyone to fear guns.)

Another article:
"I said, 'You can go over there,' " Ransom said. " 'There's 30 other people dressed like pirates and ninjas.'

" 'They said, 'You better hope your story checks out.' "
Or what? They'd arrest him for dressing like a ninja?

Original UGA newspaper article, w/ picture:
Today's UGA newspaper article:
Today's UGA editorial:


New member
That's pretty ridiculous, although it sounds like the only reason that the BATFE was involved was because they happened to be on campus at the exact same time; sort of like an off-duty law policeman intervening in a situation. Still, sounds like a university police matter, if a police matter at all. Was the student carrying a sword or weapon, or a fake weapon at all, or just running around looking like a ninja? I wonder how they handle Halloween?

Ninjas vs. pirates ... I'd pay to see that! Oh wait, they weren't fighting ...


New member
University Police Chief Jimmy Williamson said Ransom was released as soon as he was found to have violated no laws.
Might kind of them. As Forrest Gump's mama would have said, "Stupid is as stupid does." :rolleyes:
Here's my favorite:
Seeing someone with something across the face, from a federal standpoint — that’s not right,” McLemore said, explaining why agents believed something to be amiss.
Is that right, Mr. Batman?
And it was cause to draw guns on the child?
Hmmm, I see.

So, lemme just ask ya something, OK? Let's say, hypothetically of course, a whole buncha masked guys broke into one of our living rooms, wearing black, pointing weapons and screaming orders. Based on your reaction, what would it be "reasonable" for us to do?

OK, I see. We should ASS-ume they must be the Poh-lice.
:rolleyes: Twit

Moral of the Story:
Children shouldn't play Ninja. Just the Feds.


New member
In the words of one of my friends "As a pirate I fully support the ATF on this one, them ninjas are our sworn enemies." Of course he's 9 years old.


New member
WOW, good thing they never saw me in my early teens---running around like a ninja was a way of life! And just for the opposing team's sake, I was driving around on my motorcycle dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow last Halloween. Who would have thought it could have brought the fed's down on me? Hell, the Local LE laughed and waved--one even yelled "Aarrrrgh!" at me.

What a bunch of Barney Fife, "Gung-ho and Ready to Go" idiots! Tax dollars hard at work here, folks.


New member
I spent some time at a University with a large theater department. I would have been surprised if I had not seen ninjas, pirates and fairies fluttering around the campus. Unbelievable.

It seems BATF agents are socially retarded, they can never just talk to anyone without breaking down a door and standing on their head.

There really is great irony in the ninjas feeling threatened by a ninja.

P.S. Another irony is that my spell checker tried to change BATF to BARF.:D


New member
As a sworn lifetime ninja, I protest this wanton ninja oppression by the federal pirate-backed government in the strongest terms!

Seriously, as much as I detest the ATF&E, I find it difficult to fault them here. If I saw somebody dressed like that skulking around and acting shady, I'd want to find out what's going on.


I thought that there was no BATFE anymore - it was subsumed by Homeland Security. I mean, still exists, but under a different name as an arm of HS. And alcohol and tobacco were severed and put into a different dept. under Treasury.


If I saw somebody dressed like that skulking around and acting shady, I'd want to find out what's going on.
And I might be curious, too, even as a private citizen. However, forcefully detaining the person, particularly when you're not a part of the local LE structure, is abusive. Have you looked at the picture? First post, 3rd to last link:

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
“One of the guys yelled I had a gun, tackled me and asked where my gun was,” Ransom said.

After telling agents he only had his keys, wallet and cell phone on him, Ransom said the agent pinning him to the ground responded that, being trained officers, they would not mistake any of those items for a gun.

The dialogue between Ransom and the agent went back and forth, with the agent insisting Ransom had a gun, and Ransom insisting he was unarmed.
As a trained officer, only we can tell what's a gun and what's not a gun!! :rolleyes:


New member
Ok, on one hand I can understand ANY LEO's reflex to give chase when someone, lookin shady, with a facial mask, makes eye contact then takes off rapidly. But is it really necessary to keep the knee in the neck once the guy is subdued, cuffed, with several other officers standing around? With all his weight on em? I'd be pissed either way. I just wish the ninja had given those bastards a better run for their money (dockers & loafers vs ninja suit with running shoes...shoulda turned out better, especially in a university. Ninja, he ain't.)



A: So we have some authority to kill, lie, cheat, steal and hassle frat boys on "our" behalf to keep us safe, all the while trampling our constitutionally guaranteed rights. What more could you ask for? And people call them jack-booted thugs. The nerve! :barf:



New member
But is it really necessary to keep the knee in the neck once the guy is subdued, cuffed, with several other officers standing around?

Maybe he just wanted to make sure the perp listened to authora-tah!