Barf alert: Governor Reno?


New member
GSB, I empathize with you 100%

Mr. James, go vote "yes" in the poll! Encourage the Dem's to nominate her. If she isn't the weakest possible candidate for governor of any state, I don't know who is.

Alex Szabo

New member
There are two guarantees I can offer:

1. The earth will continue to rotate its axis every 23.9 hours;
2. Reno will not win Northeast Florida!


New member
Don't sell any of Clinton's goon squad short.
IMNSHO, Reno wields as much influence as the head man, maybe more. I hope everyone is right here, but don't get all overconfident about it. Read up on her questionable past (in Florida) and ask yourself how such a loser could make it to the AG's office. Long before Waco, Reno made her bones in the day care case. She personally deprived a diabetic kid of food, water, excersise and rest and watched him "melt down". My late mom was a diabetic. It takes a special kind of evil to do what Reno did.