Barf alert: Governor Reno?


Staff Emeritus
I have no doubt that the people are looking for "common sense answers".

I have no doubt that the people need a candidate with common sense.

I also have no doubt that Janet Reno wouldn't know common sense if it reared up and bit her on the ***.



New member
I had hoped that her health would preclude active politikin but I guess terminal ugly doesn't work that fast.


New member

Ordinarily, I would say that the voters would be smart enough not to elect such a rope-a-dope for Governor, but then I recall that these are the same voters who were too STUPID to read and understand a ballot, but voted anyway.

I hate to say it, but I think Reno has a pretty good chance of being elected. I hope the Cubans remind the other voters just how little Reno respects the Constitution.


New member
Common sense? I think not.

Rather she has delusional ideas which are self reinforcing and are the product of her deranged mental process. Her thinking, as revealed by her speeches, legal briefs and actions as attorney general, has become decidely more rigid and strange as her Parkinson's dementia has progressed.

I think it decidedly odd no one has publicly asked the question whether she's taking medication for the paranoid psychosis associated with her dementia. If I were one of her supporters that would be the first thing I'd ask.

Jim V

New member
Governor Reno would be a horror beyond all understanding. When she was a State's Attorney there, she was not looked on with much respect by the LEO community.

Her Parkinson's will give her what she would not give the state of Florida, a fair shake.


New member
I hope she runs! If Gov. Bush can't beat Janet Reno, he doesn't deserve to be Governor of Florida.

There are a lot of Cuban-Americans in Florida. How many votes do you think they will give her?


New member
Hmmm - a picture of Elian Gonzalez facing an HK submachinegun with the caption "Janet Reno's Day Care Plan - Coming To a Neighborhood Near You"

A picture of Waco burning, while a list of the dead scrolls across the screen, while you hear Janet's voice saying "I take full responsibility." A commentator then says "And the consequence of these deaths is a GOVERNORSHIP?"

These ideas could use some polish, but they'd make a dynamite campaign. But the GOP (aka The Stupid Party) will try to play nice . . . and lose.

Brett Bellmore

New member
I'm convinced that she's doing this because she's desperate to get some body guards, to replace the Secret Service agents who were protecting her a few months ago. I mean, if I'd done everything she has, I'D be desperate to surround myself with body guards!

Let her run, though; I doubt she can secure the nomination, let alone win the general election.


New member
Lesson One of the Clintoon regime is, "it is easier to fight the judicial system if you are at the top of that judicial system."

If you rule out Lesson One, Reno's move to run for gov makes no sense.

My cynical, skeptical, paranoid, and suspicious mind says the Lady hath many skeletons in her closet. As Gov she is temporarily safe.

Can anyone give me an alternative reason for her running?


New member
I'm convinced that she's doing this because she's desperate to get some body guards, to replace the Secret Service agents who were protecting her a few months ago.
Hell, tell her to get a is Florida afterall :)

If I was Jeb Bush, I'd be tickled pink for her to run against me. She would be too easy a candidate to hack to pieces in the press.


New member
I just moved back to TX after living in FL for 2 years. IMHO, Jeb Bush will beat "Butch" Reno like a rented mule in the general election. I don't think the Dems are stupid enough to give her the nomination. Waco and Elian are just to much to overcome, politically. If she does get the nomination, she will hurt the entire Dem ticket in Fl, which is a good thing.


New member
This last weekend I was talking with two of my most left thinking friends (and they are hard-core Democrats) and they both said they wouldn't vote for Reno.

I hope she does run. And gets defeated nicely.



New member
Negatives Too High

Reno's negative polling numbers are too high for her to win. I heard a pool reported on WDBO 580 her in Orlando that said that 65% of Floridians polled have a negative or VERY negative view of Reno.

You can also bet that Republicans will be out in FORCE to defeat her. She doesn't have a chance in hell.


New member
Living in north Florida, I get the feeling that what will carry her is name recognition. Even though there are more 'qualified' democratic candidates, none of the democratic voters I talk to know them as much as they know her by name. Also, her having a disability like Parkinson's disease will give her a big boost with certain members of the community. Finally, given her recent interview, it looks like education will be her main focus. Unfortunately, Jeb has been taking hits from the education community for some of his recent actions.
Hopefully, someone else will defeat her for the democratic spot, but it probably won't happen.

Personally, if she gets in, I fear she'll go gunning (no pun intended) for CCW and reciprocity that's in place now.


New member
I live in Florida. I say that to put the following into context. Today I asked a gunowner at work what he thought about Janet Reno running for governor.

He didn't know who she was (remember now, we are in FLORIDA). He thought she was somehow involved in the election fiasco (he obviously confused her with Katherine Harris).

I informed him that Janet Reno was the Attorney General of the United States of America under the Clinton Administration.

His response was: "Oh, I don't pay any attention to that stuff. I only pay attention to things that affect my life."

This is a gun owner talking here. This is why despite the number of gun owners in this country, we can't seem to roll back any of the anti-Constitutional cr** that rolls downhill from DC every year.

The whole conversation left me very sad and discouraged.


New member

I have run into that same kind of thinking out here in Kalifornia. Drives me crazy. Must be the sun!