Bad day for shooting range in NJ


New member
John it really sucks. And I know how your father feels cause in my line of work I see a lot of death in many ways. I don't have to clean it up but I have to see it and help them as much as I can. I have gotten very cold to death and try to block out of my head what I have seen. Some people think Im a cold person cause a lot of them don't understand (the outsiders not the people I work with) But in 18 years it has gotten me by with just only a few sleepless nights. But the one thing I never thought that people would go to a range to do it. I just would never think that, but like you said it does make some sense.

sam colt

New member
LGS that I worked part time at in the 80s, had a guy come in pick up a used 12ga from the rack, chamber a shell that he brought with him and shot hisself in the head. Real messy. Used long guns were locked up after that.:(


New member
Actually a range me and my brother frequented had a suicider who also took hostages. Luckily no one but the individual got harmed.

I also know one of my local walmarts had a man shoot himself with a shotgun in the head in the parking lot. When something like that comes up it really does bring a lot of questions, but it also makes you thankful. Why the Walmart parking lot? I can only think there was a thought to do harm to others. My father's a funeral director and the wake that suicide causes a family is so intense, it is a much different atmosphere at a suicides funeral compared to any other. I will say that the most intense is of course victims of homicide, often times it's women from domestic abuse gone wrong, very sad circumstances that can't be disputed as anything less.


New member
blueeye now that's just crazy cause not only are you affecting the people that saw him do it, but the damage he did to those hostages (mentally). Sometimes mentally is worse then physical damage.