Average "liberal" not really anti-gun?

Silver Bullet

New member
If people can reach out to liberal fencesitters, and educate those that fear guns out of ignorance, then perhaps the Democrats would stop using gun control as a means to get votes. Wouldn't it be spiffy if we could actually get both parties to be pro-gun?
No argument there.

Are you familiar with helmetcase’s web site ?


His politics are fairly liberal, and he does a colossal job of taking RKBA right to the face of the enemy. He hasn’t posted here for over a year, but he posts frequently on The High Road. He’s one of the select group of folks who actually do more on their own for the cause of RKBA than by joining the NRA. (I don’t know if he’s also a member of the NRA or not. Probably not; he’s not happy with their efforts in Maryland.)


New member
"Democrat Party" is an old Republican language trick. Dating back at least to the 1950s. Crafted to sound vaguely demeaning, and never used in a positive context. Democrats never use the term, unless they are unaware of this history, and think it's an accepted variant usage. It isn't, and should only be used by someone who is deliberately insulting Democrats.

Interesting. I actually wasn't aware of the history of the term. Learn something new every day.


New member
Me too, Playboy. Both of the major parties have pet issues that involve denying people of their freedoms. They just target different freedoms. My message to both is "mind your own damned business and keep your nose out of mine." I can't vote for either party as is, and will have a very difficult time casting a vote in 2008.

As for anti-gun people, asking "why would you need a gun except for hunting?" is tantamount to admitting that you have no regard whatsoever for the safety of yourself or your family. It's not just the idiot DC politicians asking this (rhetorical) question; many liberals accept the party line, including gun control, because it makes sense by their way of thinking.

I have many liberal friends and I've often met resistance from them when the topic of guns, self-defense, or handgun carry are brought up. Even though they've known me for years, I can tell they think I'm a little nuts because owning and carrying handguns means you are a criminal. This is what they've been lead to believe by their sources of information.

I am pro-freedom, straight down the line, and I view the actions of both major parties as attempts to garner ever more control over the populace.


New member
The only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the couple of extra weeks it takes to convert a Republican to Communism :p

I think Congress has become self serving no matter what the political label says. Time for a big dose of political laxative in our nations capitol.


New member
+1 Eghad

But this is not a new problem, of course...

Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work.
-- Will Rogers, (1927)

Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators.
--Will Rogers

I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat.
--Will Rogers

This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as
when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
--Will Rogers

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.
--Ernest Benn


New member
The only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the couple of extra weeks it takes to convert a Republican to Communism

I think Congress has become self serving no matter what the political label says. Time for a big dose of political laxative in our nations capitol.

I can definitely agree with this.


New member
The only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the couple of extra weeks it takes to convert a Republican to Communism

A Democrat is a Republican that has not been mugged yet.

Scott Conklin

New member
The fact remains, the Democrat Party leadership, such as it is, is thoroughly anti-gun. The average Dem politician will vote as that leadership tells them because they want cash and assistance in the next campaign. The average leftist voter, even if he or she is not anti-gun, has other issues that are more important to them and will thus vote for a candidate regardless of their 2A stance.

Other considerations; a majority(most?) real leftists are urban(ish). A majority of gun owners(most?) are rural or at least suburban. The number of leftists who cross both segments, 2A supporter and non-urban, are going to give a skewed percentage to the question for most of us. Also, again, in my experience they will still VOTE anti-gun if the politicritter in question supports other leftist pork.

Suggesting the NRA support pro-gun Dem candidates is a bad idea for the reasons above. As long as the Repub in question is decent, getting him elected only strengthens a party that will at least likely do no harm(to us). Getting that "pro-gun" Dem elected only strengthens the party whose avowed leadership goal is eventual banning of most firearms.

Are some lefties pro-gun? Sure. Is that great? Sure. When you can either change the solidly entrenched anti-constitution leadership of the Democrat Party, and the anti-gun urban voters who elect them, or get pro-gun Dems to vote Repub, then it will matter. Till then it's just good idle conversation to stir up a message board.