Authoritative List of Good Gun Movies


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wrong guy

Sorry, lendringser, but James Woods wasn't in Way of the Gun.

You're talking about either Geoffrey Lewis, or James Caan, both of whom use J-frames in the movie, I believe.

Clayton Hufford

New member
Anything with Steve McQueen in it...Bullit, Tom Horn, The Getaway, and The Hunter are four of the best.

Other than the McQueen stuff, Tom Selleck's flicks are top notch.

Heat, Ronin, and Proof Of Life are my favorites besides the above.



New member
This one is a little different, but worth seeing.

"Ghost in the Shell." Sci-fi anime, but excellently done. Gun handling and physics are believable and modelled on the real thing.

Especially well done is the battle with the think tank. Those rotary guns...brrrr...sends a chill up your back when they cut loose.


New member
another god gun movie imho is ghost in the darkness and anything by john milius ,rough riders im sure theres more i just cant think of all the good ones i like:D


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Almost forgot about Proof of Life. Kinda lame movie IMO up until the final 10 minute scene. Flat out sweet from there on...

I really liked Way of the Gun too, as well as Ronin and HEAT.

It's really sad it's gotten to the point now that I totally CANNOT enjoy a movie is it has hokey gun handling, just ruins it for me...


New member
Any Eastwood movie......but espeically Josey Whales....
Quigley Down Under..I NEED that rifle...
I know what you mean about bad gun scenes ruining a movie,I ust watched CopyCat yesterday,andat the end after shooting the bad guy once w/ her auto..Holly Hunter cocks the hammer for the 2nd shot.....ruined the whole movie in the last 30 seconds!!You would think they'd hire a prop guy who knows weapons if they're using them as a key part of a movie.....


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Lock cocked and 2 smoking barrels.
Black hawk down
Saving private Ryan
Inglorious Bastards


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Tigerland (apart from the scene where a 1911 is fired 9 times w/o a reload)
We Were Soldiers Once...(The book was good too)
In Bruges was pretty good in the weapons scenes
Lord of War
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Trying to think of title, possibly "SAS", about 20 yrs ago. The bulk of movie was bad/ boring/ pointless, but at end was a reenactment of the Princess Gate Rd raid, with most of the extras being actual or recent SAS members.
Recently Public Enemy had period correct guns, period correct gunn handling, several of the scenes were filmed in the actual locations where they occurred.
While the gun handling was routine, the recennt Tommy Lee Jones movie "Electric Mist" ( never arrived in theatres in my area, not sure about everywhere) stands out for locations. Based on the book by James Lee Burke "Electric Mist with Confederate Dead" . All of his books with Dave Robechaux are strongly tied to a sense of place. The movie was filmed on location in the actual places where the book(s) take place.

Uncle Billy

New member
The scene in "Last of the Mohicans" when Fort William Henry was under siege by the French and their Indian allies; Colonel Munro needed to get a message to General Webb at Fort Edward. The only way was for a fast runner to hand carry a message through the siege lines. Someone was selected, he took the message in a pouch and set out running through the forest, on a path that kept him in view from the wall of the fort. As indians allied to the French stepped out to stop him, Hawkeye and his partners on the wall of the fort took them out with careful rifle fire, one at a time. When the messenger was almost clear of the lines and a good distance from the fort, an Indian ran out behind him, tomahawk poised. Hawkeye had loaded his long rifle using a silk patch for greater distance (so he said); he took careful aim, the lock fired, the rifle barked, and shortly the ball went clear through the Indian. They edited that scene to convey the drama of such a long shot, pausing on Hawkeye as he concentrated on his aim, closeup on the lock as it fired, and the bloody hole in the ambusher as the ball went through him.

The scene in "Lonesome Dove" when Augustus McCrae, who is being pursued by BGs across an arid, open plain, shoots his horse for shelter and begins a standoff with his pursuers. He purposely aims his Henry 1860 rifle so the bullets hit the ground in front of the bad guys, leading them to believe they are just out of his range. When the leader, confident he was out of range, stands up and makes derisive gestures like a chicken toward McCrae, McCrae flips up the ladder sight, adjusts it for range, takes aim and gut-shoots him, surprise, surprise!


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Public Enemies. Although the movie plays fast and loose with the facts- for instance, several of the robberies are composites of multiple actual events, and both Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson were killed after John Dillinger- the shootouts are simply awesome, and the filmmakers went to great lengths to use historically accurate firearms.

FWIW a new Bonnie & Clyde movie is in pre-production, and they will have some big shoes to fill. Hopefully they can borrow some of the 1911s and cut-down BARs from Michael Mann's sources. :D I'm a little skeptical of the decision to cast Hillary Duff as Bonnie Parker, despite her resemblance to the real person (unlike Faye Dunaway); OTOH watching Michael Madsen play Frank Hamer should make the movie worth watching. :cool:
Enemy at the Gates
One bungled historical detail bugs the heck out of me in that movie... Soviet infantrymen were forbidden from removing the bayonets from their rifles unless that were in barracks, cleaning their weapon, or traveling in a vehicle. In the movie, a Mosin-Nagant bayonet is seldom seen.


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I liked 'Zulu' ... nice display of use of the Martini-Henry rifle, and 'The Siege of Firebase Gloria' ... showing lots of use of Vietnam era weapons.
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Falcon5nz: Tigerland (apart from the scene where a 1911 is fired 9 times w/o a reload)

Thats not unusual... If I fired my 1911 right now it would fire 9 rounds. IE: wilson combat 8 round magazine plus 1 in the chamber.