Attn. N. Texans: Collin County Gun Range In Trouble!


New member
The supporters had some heavyweight speakers on their side. Speakers from the Texas State Rifle Assoc., The NRA, and even a speaker from the Libertarian Party. Some of the pro range speakers were thoughtful, well informed, and concise. One or two others were kinda of an empressement either through content or being nervous. Bravo for speaking up. So far there has been no TV coverage and I have not seen the McKinney or Dallas papers today. I had to bug out around 8:30 how much longer did this thing last? I'll say one thing, this was an eye opening experience for me. I really dont know if this did anything for the range or not, I hope it did. Its good to know that some of the people that post here arent "All hat and no cattle" and actually follow up on their words.


New member
Saw these two post by antiUSSA over at and thought I'd repost. Good advice

Moderator posted 06-06-2000 16:18
I just got off the phone with the Range, and City Hall...
At City Hall (972-547-7550), I spoke with a woman named Jenifer that said to email the Mayor with any oppositions!

Mayor Don Dozier:

Mayor Pro Tem Willie J Wattley:

Moderator posted 06-06-2000 16:46
My letter to the whole damn bunch of politicos down there:
Dear Gentleman and Lady;

I am writing in regards to the Collin County Gun Range issues that have recently come before the city after the annexation of said property.

I am a member in good standing of the Texas State Rifle Association, a NRA Life member, a GOA Life member, an Illinois State Rifle Association member, a NRA sanctioned high-power rifle competitor and a manufacturer of T-Master Target Frames.

It has come to my attention that unrealistic proposals have taken place that would very seriously restrict the use and overall effectiveness of this particular range. It is also quite apparent that these particular issues are of a "political" nature, since the Collin County Gun Range has been in operation for over five years without incident.

I would like to point out that those of us in the firearms industry tend to very strongly support each other, and the surrounding communities when special events are held. We very frequently travel for shows and competitions, thus requiring us to stay in neighboring hotels/motels and eat in your restaurants. Without a community serving range, you will ultimately lose valuable financial resources for your community as a whole. How do I know, because I am fortunate enough to live in a community that has been through all this before -- Quincy, Illinois. Our community has gone round robin, and now fully supports just about everything... My home range is PASA Park in Barry, Illinois (Quincy surrounding area). PASA is home to many of the top firearms events world-wide, and has seen a great deal of corporate sponsorship. The greatest winner is and always will be the community at large, due to the "traveling dollars" that pass through here on a regular basis.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and giving this issue your fullest attention.


Everyone else, please do the same!


New member

Thanks for "re-posting" that over here... These folks need to be supported by legal, law-abiding, voting, firingarms owning taxpayors from EVERYWHERE.

Why..? Because strength in numbers is what we need to combat these dictators of liberal philosophy!

By showing support from outer reaches (and out of state), we show strength. They don't know we are conversing via the internet, they just know we care about our ranges... our playgrounds if you will!

This is NOT a North Dallas issue(or Texas for that matter), it is a NATIONWIDE epidemic that is taking place from coast-to-coast! The ONLY way we can win, is if we all gather together to win your fight first, then my fight, then the next one, and so on and so forth... That's how we can and will win!

FWIW: I have never been to or heard of this particular range before. It matters not, to me though!



New member
I worked in Carrollton for a while, bunking down at the RV park on Sandy Lake Road.

There was a "police only" range nearby, and the firing, including semi-autos dumping a fulll clip, was so muffled that at first I thought there was a lot of construction going on due to all that "hammering".

I suggested to the mayor that they actually go to the areas of those who are complaining
and take some Db samples to get a clearer perspective. I also pointed out to him that unless bullets can go around the world, bullets fired South cannot injure anybody in the North.

I picked up on Bulldogs "build 'em by the feedlots" bit by mentioning people who move near airports and then complain about the noise.

Wish this small town in Nevada had a range like that (we're working onit, but it's uphill).