ATF just ruled your "tactical" shotgun illegal

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New member
Following this review, the working
group determined that certain shotgun features are not particularly suitable or readily adaptable
for sporting purposes. These features include:
(1) Folding, telescoping, or collapsible stocks;
(2) bayonet lugs;
(3) flash suppressors;
(4) magazines over 5 rounds, or a drum magazine;
(5) grenade-launcher mounts;
(6) integrated rail systems (other than on top of the receiver or barrel);
(7) light enhancing devices;
(8) excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for 12 gauge or smaller);
(9) excessive bulk (greater than 3 inches in width and/or greater than 4 inches in depth);
(10) forward pistol grips or other protruding parts designed or used for gripping the
shotgun with the shooter’s extended hand.
Although the features listed above do not represent an exhaustive list of possible shotgun
features, designs or characteristics, the working group determined that shotguns with any one of
these features are most appropriate for military or law enforcement use. Therefore, shotguns
containing any of these features are not particularly suitable for nor readily adaptable to
generally recognized sporting purposes such as hunting, trap, sporting clay, and skeet shooting.
Each of these features and an analysis of each of the determinations are included within the main
body of the report..



New member
No, the working group determined that shotguns with those features do not meet the "sporting purposes" requirement of GCA '68. Meaning that if they are foreign made they cannot be imported. Those already in country or that are made in the USA aren't covered by this regulation.

Of course this is just the determination of the working group at this point and not final regulation.


Staff In Memoriam
My Tactical shotgun has none of those items. It is made in America so it wouldn't matter if it did.

My standard Mossberg 500, as tactical as it is, just doesn't have a single item mentioned.

I am sure many of our Tactical shotguns are forever safe as they masquerade as innocent huntin' guns...

As tactical as any gun in my hands could be...



New member
Okay. Just read it again. It is the study to influence a proposed rule. I strongly urge everyone who's interested to send comments to the ATF. This is not law, and looks like a first step in a long agency procedure to change the 'sporting purpose' interpretation.

What I find disturbing is the extremely narrow construction of "sporting purpose" by the ATF, which basically dismisses IPSC, 3 Gun and other shooting sports as "non sporting" and instead adopts a position the only (legitimate) sporting purpose is duck hunting and clay shooting.
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Since discussion has opened on up this thread, I won't close it as a Cut & Paste shoot & scoot, which is clearly against TFL's rules of operation.

If you don't know what a Cut & Paste post is, click the forum rules link.


New member
they need to get rid of that sporting purpose BS, as it has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment...and is only used as incremental gun control.:mad:


New member
Off topic, but Man I have GOT to get me one of those Home Simpson "holsters".

Back on topic:

Recent events will make perfect grist for the anti gun mill. Expect all kinds of attacks on the Second Amendment.


New member
I have a Mossberg 500 with Double Pistol Grip and holds a total of 8 rounds, so they'll be after mine, as I'd imagine that this "proposed" law will probably go thru, since they'll "give it to us" a little at a time, not all at once, and this issue falls into just that, I believe.

Maybe I should take heed, go ahead and convert it to either a slug gun or muzzleloader so I'll be legal when this hammer falls.


Staff In Memoriam
Christchild, the above is regarding an import ban. Basically it is similar to import rules that required a certain number of parts be replaced with american made items to circumvent these rule breaker items...



Can we merge all of these threads from all of the sections into one and suppress the BS scare mongering?

NOTHING has been banned...nada, zip, zilch...........they are doing a STUDY.......and basically so far agreeing with the intent of the previous studies from years past


New member
Can we merge all of these threads from all of the sections into one and suppress the BS scare mongering?

This. This marks thread #4 on this topic, and the second in the "shotgun" section in the forum (which, by the way, already spelled out what this ATF document was, has a link to it, and pretty well laid out where we currently stand).

Folks need to read and think and not post whatever rumor they heard at the gun shop this morning.


Like rantingredneck said, this is neither a rule nor a proposed rule. It is a study done by a working group and the study conludes with the recommendation of the working group that conducted the study that
shotguns with any of the characteristics or features listed above not be authorized for importation.
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New member
Well, it caused a bit of a stir with folks that are fond of the Saiga 12. Bumped PSL/FPK rifle & Marlin SBL down a notch on the purchase queue and got a second Saiga 12 a little early.



New member
(8) excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for 12 gauge or smaller);
(9) excessive bulk (greater than 3 inches in width and/or greater than 4 inches in depth);
the working group determined that shotguns with any one of
these features are most appropriate for military or law enforcement use.



And that is all I am going to say about that.


New member
Well, it caused a bit of a stir with folks that are fond of the Saiga 12.

That's amusing, because if you actually read the ATF paper, it is evident that the Saiga 12 won't be affected by the new rules. It has none of the evil features the ATF calls out.
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