Article on Revolvers for Everyday Carry


New member
So, IF your sheriff issues you a permit, is it good anywhere in the state, even in downtown LA? I'm guessing not. I think one of the most important parts of our (Colorado) CCW law is that sub-state authorities like cities, or counties, cannot make the CCW laws more restrictive than the state laws. In particular, even Denver can't prohibit concealed-carry by permit-holders (they tried at first, but were slapped down).

Colorado's CCW laws are better than most other states (but the current Democrat powers-that-be would VERY much like to change that (and they have already succeeded to some extent (mag limits, primarily)). In one respect your laws are better, though: we can't carry in K-12 schools. When I got my CCW (before our state shall-issue law was passed), there was no such restriction on me, but now there is ... that onerous provision was insisted upon by our state governor at the time ... he refused to sign the law unless that provision was added.


New member
IF your sheriff issues you a permit, is it good anywhere in the state, even in downtown LA?

Once the permit is issued, it's good for the entire state (and many other states recognize CA's permit) - even downtown LA. But - there are firearm unfriendly areas and I suppose downtown LA would be one of them. I know San Francisco is; and probably my aforementioned Pismo Beach. I'm sure there's many others.

These are places - while not technically illegal to carry - are probably places where you want to make sure you are thoroughly concealed; or even, consider not carrying at all.


New member
The LadySmith version of the 3" M65 has a full underlug and a light, smooth action. I'd take this girl anywhere, if I had one:

Pretty much the same gun I carried for years. The only thing I did was to change the grips out since the smooth rosewood looked nice, but sucked for shooting. It was a sweet revolver.