Army Agrees To M4 Sand Test Shoot-Off


New member
Well, if they have this with Senators and Congresspersons present perhaps they will import the sand from Iraq like they do the water from France.

Brotherhood of YMEX



New member
Do you mean the manufacturers of the supposed better system will launch a massive media campaign and than go cry to the Congress when their system doesn't meet acceptance requirements?

And then be subject to a criminal fraud investigation by the USAF's Office of Special Investigations after OSI bought a bunch of Dragon Skin for their agents who might be deployed to the war zones and discovered that the armor did not exactly live up to the advertising hype when the rubber met the road and/or bullets met the armor.


New member
Well, if they have this with Senators and Congresspersons present perhaps they will import the sand from Iraq like they do the water from France.

I don't laugh much, but that one hit me............:p

Deaf Smith

New member
The only way a Mini-14 will be in any trial is if they completly re-vamp it. Heavier barrel, quick change magazine system, far far better sights, and a much better heat sink to take care of a huge heat build up of rapid fire.

But I know Ruger. They won't. They won't lift a finger to enter the police handgun market to compete against Glock or Sig or Smith. They won't make a police/military shotgun either. They have had the Mini-14 for several decades and didn't even improve it one bit till about a year ago. They are about as aggressive in the police/military market as a snail.

And I say this owning a Ruger GB that shoots quite well. That is quite well for a run of the mill rifle (and quite reliable to.) It does not equal the AR by any streach of the imagination (and I have a Bushie as well as a Colt AR to) but the Mini it's a pretty fair shooter, which is why I keep it.


New member
A funny side note is that I remember from my miss spent youth (70- early 1980's) the Mini-14 AC-556(?) in Soldier of Fortine quite often with the editors and writers in South Africa.


New member
Why did this become a Mini14/AC556 thread? I just hope our troops gets the guns that are worthy and reliable. Remember that our weapons are subjected to funds availability and that is usually granted to the lowest bidder. josh

Deaf Smith

New member
It became a Miin-14 thread cause the guberment want's only American produced rifles to be tested. That and the Mini-14 is one of the few rifles that is basicly reliable without extrodinary cleaning (and you have to admit, the M-16 does requre quite a bit of cleaning, and quite often!)

I would Bushmaster would simply design and produce a gas piston system on the AR platform. Maybe a kind of tappet system like the M1-carbine except the tappet taps a rod that pushes directly on the bolt (or key.)

I guess no American company wants to put up the effort to make such an AR.


New member
The M16 series really doesn't need all that much cleaning to keep it working, all it really needs is good magazines. That is part of the problem with the military though, magazines are a class IX item. And to most in the ordnance or supply system a magazine is a magazine is a magazine. Serviceable or unservicable if you have a mag, than you have a mag, no need to replace it . Because of this a much larger chunk of magazines in the system are unserviceable, you don't find this out till you do some shooting, and contrary to what many people think about the military most don't do much shooting at all. Than when they do, very few know the M16, because of this they attribute failures to "not cleaning the weapon" vice having a bad magazine.

My daily use routine for my carbine overseas was to shoot it every time prior to leaving the IA base (test firing). Which normally was several times a day, most days of the week, except normally Fridays. Friday was the Iraqi version of Sunday, so those days my team would do its "reset" training. At reset training we would shoot our carry load of ammo during various drills. The only time I cleaned my weapon was after the reset training or after being in contact, yet my M4 worked without issue despite being in an extremely sandy environment in Western Iraq. I didn't clean it everyday, I didn't baby it. All I did was buy new mags prior to deploying (was issued 13 H&Ks, but they were too heavy and for some reason were less reliable in M4s) and put Magpull followers and new CS springs into them. Granted the most I ever shot at one time without cleaning was a little over 300 rounds without cleaning. However, that last cleaning could have been a week ago and after a shamal (mass dust storm).


New member
...perhaps they will import the sand from Iraq like they do the water from France.

Maybe they can ship the water from Frace to Iraq and the soldiers can flush their weapons with it.

I was just trying to work on the plans for a .308/7.62X51 battle rifle myself. I feel the 7.62X51 is better for long distance shots and full auto fire from a bipod for use as a SAW, I got that from some of you guys, but is too powerful for use as a CQB assault type weapon, such as an AK-47. So I was podering a weapon that could be chambered for the 7.62X51 and be fired in semi or full auto but also have the ability to "bleed" pressure off and get the recoil down to 7.62X39 levels for use as an assault weapon. The problem is I am not an engineer, just a creative potty sitter. Also my wife says I lack motivation, I don't agree with her but I'm too tired to debate it right now.