ARM THE PEOPLE - NOW! (Interesting proposal.....)


New member
"Deputize them."

Much as I would be honored to be in a posse, I'm already sanctioned by state and federal constitutions and the US Code to be a member of the state and federal militias. Or is it militae? BTW Biohazard, I have been declared to be a Death Merchant by the Brady Bunch. I prefer that moniker to natural born killer. Death Merchant has a Shakespearean ring to it, don't you think? The Death Merchant Of Venice. :D or how about The Death Merchant of Barney? :D


New member
Well if anyone headed out here with a blunt object needs a place to stay, drop me an email.

If you forget your blunt object I'm sure I can scrounge up something here for ya.

Edward, since you're a neighbor I'll cut you a little slack and maybe give you a warning email when they get here ... maybe ;)


New member
Where I come from that 18 to 50 thing has a name: Draft.

Sentries, perimeter patrols? Patroling the community looking for what? "Suspicious" persons? Persons without valid ID?
Wouldn't that be very close to creating the kind of society we want to defend ourselves against?

Self defense as and when necessary, yes. But I think there should be a very high threshold for when patrols in the streets are considered necessary.

Nothing wrong with knowing how to shoot, though, just in case. And I can think of worse ways to spend a day than going to the range. :)

Edward, blunt objects are too nice. You should be tied to a chair in front of your computer with the volume turned way up. :D