ARM THE PEOPLE - NOW! (Interesting proposal.....)


New member
By: Jeff Head

Arm the people. That is the answer, not only for the current environment, but for crime in general. The founders of this great Republic knew this, and they enumerated it in clear language in our constitution.

Use surplus M-14's or M-1's for long guns and .45's or 9mm's for sidearms and issue comm gear to all particpants Have the local sheriff's review those who volunteer and insure they are U.S. Citizens, have no violent criminal background, and are males between the ages of 18 and 50.

Deputize them.

Give them a three to five day crash course in rifle shooting and communications put on by volunteer former NCO's. Marine or Special Forces. Make update teraining mandatory every six months.

Have the Sheriff set up sentries (two to a location), perimeter patrols close to suspected targets (inner and outer ring) and close to local infrastructure to be protected from terrorists and also set up roving patrols in the community.

Have the comm procedure be to the local Sheriff who works with local FLEO's, from there to the National Guard at the state level for the Sheriff and to regional command for the FLEO's, and from there to Homeland Security at the National level who simply coordinates and calls in Federal forces if necessary.

Make the program voluntary but let those who complete training and six months of duty (that duty consisting of 4 six hour shifts per week) keep their firearm and comm gear.

Institute immediately - nation wide.


We are at war with a bunch of people, supported by some governments, who want nothing more than to kill as many of us as possible, disrupt our economy, end our influence in the world and bring down this Republic. Sadly, they are abetted by some within our own government and more within our own borders. It has been going on in low gear for a long time, it has heated up in the last few years and boiled over on 911.

It is continuing today.

If the Beltway Sniper is not a terrorist (and though I may be proven wrong, I believe he/she/they probably are), then the Terrorists are certainly taking good notes and we need to prepare for it.

Just my two cents on the situation and an all American solution that people would flock to in my opinion.

Please propose this to your local shereiff and law enforcement.

In Liberty,

Jeff Head
October 22, 2002
Idaho, USA


New member
Shoo! Go away biohazard! Can't you tell that grownups are talking here!

OK- First I think that I like the idea in general, and if everyone was packing, then this sniper would be laying on a stainless gurney and be about 44 degrees colder than normal.

As for now, I can't see that folks walking the streets with rifles isn't going to do much for public confidence. It might be your right, but if I go walking around downtown Houston with the AR slung across my back, it won't do much for society.

Therefore, I would suggest that each person carry a radio to be used only in the event of a sniper attack. Also each person should have a camera or a sidearm (camera for those afraid of .45ACP). Then if there is another sniping, the people can do something positive. Folks walking about with rifles or sitting in the grass waiting for snipers is only going to tax law enforcement more checking on vigilantes.

Alert and informed citizenry is what we need.


New member
males between the ages of 18 and 50
IIRC some of the heros of the American Revolution were teenagers and oldsters. Same in the War of 1812 and the civil War. So why not make it "physically able persons".


New member
18 - 50? Many are surprised that the youngest Medal of Honor awardee was only 13 years old. It is actually amazing how young some are when they do amazing things. Jesus was 30 when he changed the world. Jefferson was in his 30's also. I am in my 30's and I wonder how I could measure up to either? I can't.

As for the NBK's remark, many here on TFL have actually killed humans. Many were changed one way or another. Killing isn't necessarily something you do naturally. It actually takes some degree of training to get good at it, and most who are good at it hate it.

You might want to make some contructive comments and argue points with "the grown ups" rather than spout baseless dogma you heard on "democracy now" or NPR. You'll notice that folks here tolerate dissent, and in fact the arguements are the best threads, but I sense that you noticed that you are out of your league here insofar as arguing a point so you resort to ad-hominen attacks (sorry for the misspelling).

Jim March

New member

This isn't any sort of fantasy. Israel dealt with this *same* exact threat many years ago. After several attempted mass public shootings for terrorist purposes, where the terrorists were blown away on-scene by armed citizens, the PLO and their ilk had to severely scale back all terrorism. Only suicide bombers have proved successful and it's NOT that easy to find those types even among Palestinians.

Even then, a number of bombers have been stopped by civilian gunfire.

The Israelis have proven that civilians carrying concealed handguns can stop terrorists. The US will follow suit.

When carrying arms is legal, citizens will "load up" to match the threat. In Virginia right now, you can bet that permitholders are heading to the shooting ranges to get more practice in, and hanging up their 2" barrel close-range defense guns and picking their 4" or 6" barrel larger-frame target guns capable of at least trying a 100+ yard shot.

People adapt...unless prevented by law from doing so.


New member
Jim, I suspect that you are right about folks bringing out the longer-barrel handguns. I have 2 decent long range rifles [M-1 'Garand' and Mosin-Nagant M-44], and a scoped .30/30 for mid-range work, but all my handguns are short barrel.

Don't think I'll be taking that 75+ yard shot with either the KP-90 Ruger or the Sheriff's Model 3-1/2" .357 Vaquero.

But that 7-1/2" barrel .45 Blackhawk is starting to call my name...... :)


Moderator Emeritus
Great. I'll start carrying a gun everywhere with me to defend myself, my family & friends, and my community!

Oh, wait... I already do that. ;)


Moderator Emeritus

I clicked on the link out of curiousity.

I am now on my way to Colorado Springs with a blunt object.


Apple a Day

New member
Hey, folks, Comm equipment is already readily available... quite a lot of people use them but mostly as an impediment to their driving skills:
A cellphone:p
Y'know, up until now I have refused to carry one. I am now rethinking.

Jim V

New member
Edward429451, you may have started the greatest migration to Colorado Springs known to man, all with assorted blunt objects.


New member
AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It hurts, cant... get... music.. out... of... head!!!!!

(joining CO migration with blunt object)