Arizona Gunkit Maker Bob Stewart Found Guilty by Jury


New member
"Less biased" would mean some source that is not from

It's like explaining why we're against the "gun-show loophole" bills. When you explain your point to fencesitters or antis with facts only presented from Gun Truths, it's hard to sway them. When you say you have the information and facts directly from the Depart of Justice, their ears perk up and they listen awhile.

I agree. Anybody got a less biased source for Bob's case? Court minutes would be nice, if they're available.


New member
Justin, I have a reputation to uphold. No one calls me the ViLLain for nothing.:D

Seriously, I'm as or more libertarian than any of you. But, when I wake up each morning, I face a f*cked up world and my rules don't apply.

I'm a slave!:(

Fred Hansen

New member
ViLLian, as a self-avowed slave, perhaps you should turn in all you're guns now (assuming that you have any), that way you won't have to be anything other than squeaky clean. You can live a good and pious slave life humbled before your master. Of course at the rate that our country is crumbling, it will soon be a felony to possess a nail file, pocket knife, pack of cigs, can of beer, big mac, brain, etc.... surrender now, it is for the children.:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

BTW I have a couple of extra E-tools in case you would like to dig yourself a little deeper.:barf:


New member

What I just said went WAY over your head.

Residing in the intellectual left coast, I'd expect a little more than that from you.


New member
Hi all. First post and what a topic!

The BATF is an unconstitutional organization. Gun control is unconstitutional.

The only outcome possible is either for Americans to resist this evil, or for liberty to die.

There is no middle ground on this one.

Time to stand up and be counted.



ViLLain, this guy was a felon because of one of the unconstitutional firearms laws; he wasn't (and isn't) a real felon. More to the point, these things weren't firearms, they were firearms kits, and took significant amounts of non-trivial work to put together.

Are those kits really for automatic .50 rifles? I get the impression they're semi-auto and the BATF is pulling the "it's easy to swap out the sear" BS, which makes all the machinegun references seem extremely biased.


New member

What I just said went WAY over your head.

Residing in the intellectual left coast, I'd expect a little more than that from you.

ViLLain, since I'm just a dumb, Texas redneck, why don't you enlighten me with your pearls of wisdom.:confused:


New member
tyme said,
Are those kits really for automatic .50 rifles? I get the impression they're semi-auto and the BATF is pulling the "it's easy to swap out the sear" BS, which makes all the machinegun references seem extremely biased.

IIRC, the kits were for single-shot rifles much like many of the other manufacturer's single shots.


Since this is the first time weighing in on this thread I may as well put my $0.02 FRN in as well.

This is complete BRAVO SIERRA!!! ...and it could happen to almost any one of us. Atlas is shrugging - there are so many bad and/or unconstitutional laws on the books that the 'average' man cannot follow them all. The powers that be have made it impossible to be 'law-abiding' anymore.


New member
I don't know why everyone is arguing with VILLIAN. He's not worthy of the subject because he refuses to do the research and educate himself on the topic.

All you are doing is frustrating yourself over nothing.