Are you new to Shotguns?


New member
You're young still, plenty of time to learn. :) I graduated from high school in 1968. Of course, I'm still young too, my father is 86 and graduated in '39.



New member
Wow, I thought this was a thread about shotguns, I guess it one to tell people how they should post...

To add something, I never "point" any firearm. Shotgun included, if you shoot shotshells in a close home defence situation... the spread pattern is going to be how wide...

You still need to aim.


New member
"your facts are based on what data? Please provide the link.

You point, not aim, a shotgun.

For best results, less recoil effects(getting cheek slammed, etc.), a shotgun does have to fit

I would never rule out the use of a handgun - especially if you are wounded during an attack - how would fire your "pool cue" long gun one handed with any degree of accuracy.

While 00 buck is better, birdshot is better than nothing, especially at bedroom distances"

So here I am , like other readers I imagine , new to shotgunning ,reading this thread.
I see the original post , the second post , and the dozen or more after , attack and defense , attack and defense . WOW.

What I perceive is how this could have all been avoided with just a slight change in presentation. The original poster , could have presented his side , offering wether it be his opinion or the opinion of a credible source. The first reply could have been made in a manner which was less confrontational.
Either way , I dont know any more about the shotgun than I did when I began reading. Frustrating really. I havent been in school in 20 years , but I feel like I just stepped back on the schoolyard. Come on fellas ?!

FACT !, this is my 21st post. Not my 101st , or 900th . I dont have as much "posting credibility" as some. I have come to live with it.


New member
The internet is a great thing. Just for example, one new year's day, I was chatting with some folks, and I brought up the southern custom of eating blackeyed peas on new years. First someone asked me "what are blackeyed peas?". I told them. Then I asked, "Hey where are you folks from, anyway, must be from New England or something." No, they were from Sweden. Simple minded me, it never occurred to me that I was chatting with someone on the other side of the world.

So, bottom line, you are exposed to lots of geographical disparity. Lots of different customs. Lots of different ways of doing things.

Opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one. Some are good, some are not so good. It's up you to decide. You have to assess someone's credibility.

An incident comes to mind. I took a pistol course form a hardcore military type. This guy has been involved in clandestine ops all over the world. He has taught techniques to the military of many countries, including the US. He chewed my ass during a pistol course. He said, "I have probably killed more people with a pistol than anybody you will ever meet in your lifetime. When I tell you to do something listen to what I am saying, I know what I am talking about!!"

Ok, this guy has unquestionable credibility. I'm going to listen to what he says.

Somebody on the internet that I don't know from who laid a chunk, not so much.

Patience, Yeomen, real answers and real knowledge do not come in an instantaneous answer to an internet post. You have to ask. Analyze the answers. Doubt. Try it for yourself. Ask again in the light of your knowlege. Try it again. Doubt. You will arrive at a point where you will know that you have the right answer for you, and you will not be easily swayed from it.

"Do not cry havoc when you should but hunt with modest warrant." Shakespeare.


New member
"To add something, I never "point" any firearm. Shotgun included, if you shoot shotshells in a close home defence situation"

If you will refer back to the original post in this thread, the first line ends with "for home defense or general hunting", so we're not just dicussing home defense.

You'll never get good at hunting or shooting clays with a shotgun if you stick to aiming it.

Heck, my favorite duck gun doesn't even have a bead on it.



New member
Point or aim

I point my shotgun with birdshot at flying or fast moving targets and aim my shotgun with slug or birdshot at standing or slowly moving targets. But in both ways I am pointing my gun at what im shooting at.


New member
"I am pointing my gun at what im shooting at."

Actually, when you are shooting at a flying target, clay or fowl, you aren't pointing at it or even aiming at it. If you do you'll miss it. You have to be out in front of it - leading it.



New member
I'm a virgin to shotguns

And I'm actually a virgin to hunting.

I'm considering buying a shotgun, an 870 Express or Benelli Supernova, 12ga, smooth bore, 18" barrel, rifle sights to go on my first hunt with.

My reasons: I want to be able to hunt as many kinds of gam as possible and defend the home. So, 18in barrel for HD and non-bird hunting. 12ga seems to have enough power to do any job, smoothbore for shot and rifled slugs, rifle sights for hunting and HD. All I have to do for birds and skeet is change out the barrel right? So, I figure this is the firearm that fills all my criteria. I can use it for anything. I'm also a student, so I'm trying to hit every base with as little expense as possible. Question now is, just because I can use it for every job, does it mean I should?

For example, I really want to go hog hunting. From what I have gathered, and part of the reason I want to go, is the danger involved. I am pretty sure both guns I was looking at could hold 4 3" shells. What if I've got 4 shells and more than 4 hogs? Should I invest in something with a larger magazine? Perhaps something mounted on an AC130?

Also, I overheard some gentleman discussing slugs v. bullets when it comes to effectiveness at dropping animals, which one is more humane, which has more of a shocking effect, and which damages meat and hide less. Any thoughts on that? The taste of the meat depends mostly on the hunter after all is said and done right?


New member

You had questions about the 870, Benelli, hog hunting, and slug effectiveness.

Both the 870 and the Benelli Nova would be excellent choices as a general purpose shotgun. The decision would come down to which gun and accessories you like better.

Re: Hog hunting: I've never hog hunted. I'm sure if I did, I would understand the perceived danger involved. While I have read about people being charged by single, angry or wounded (or angry and wounded) hogs, I have never heard of anyone being charged by a pack of hogs, especially after the first shots were fired. Perhaps my ignorance would not be helpful here. However, here is my logic on being charged by anything I think could be dangerous to me:

-I have the skills and weapon to kill it within a safe distance;
-I have someone to back me up if I miss;
-If we both miss, it won't kill me;
-If I can't support one or more of the criteria above, I probably shouldn't be hunting it.

In regards to slugs vs. rifle bullets, we can easily start a huge debate here. Within effective range (we'll say 100 yards for the average user), 12 gauge slugs are a very effective hunting round on medium game. Whether you consider killing something humane or not is also a messy debate; the 12 gauge slug will kill most animals as quickly and effectively as most other projectiles commonly used in hunting situations today.

All of that said, a 12 gauge filled with slugs becomes a bit insulting for plinking; what about getting a smaller caliber gun for practice? Find a nice used pump .22 which will give you practice with the same action style as your 870 or Nova, and practice for a LOT cheaper than shotshells.

Either way, enjoy!


New member
"Are you new to Shotguns?"

Noooo? But:

My first shotgun was aWestern Field bolt-action 20 gage. Bolt action. The magazine held two shells. Not once did that gun not jam. But it did a great job popping the spent shell in your face. Sent it spinning end-over-end, in fact. That thing is long gone

After a 20-year hiatus, I have an 870, farm, clay pigeon flinger, and a wife willing to shoot and PULL!.

That's a damn good time, by the way. But it begs the question: If I can hit every-other clay pigeon, why can't I hit a single live pigeon? I think the answers as already stated: practice!.

Thanks for tuning in.


Staff In Memoriam
I am goin on forty... I read all too often, posts regarding shotguns. But when it comes to Home Defense it is perceived that a shotgun is a cure-all that can be grabbed by any one and fired and it will neutralize any threat. This is simply not true. It is dangerous to think it is true. If you are untrained or not ready, than it is a less than suitable choice.

Coomba, Here in Fla we can have alot of ammo in the gun. I choose to load all 6 rounds. For only 4 rounds I would think (opinion) that after them 4 rounds the hogs would be running off. They ain't marauding attackers... they will attack but in most cases I know of it is hog doggers that are getting treed due to the dogs getting them riled up or a gunshot hog getting spooked by the shooter trying to find the wounded ONE that get treed or attacked.


New member

FACT: Anyone can say their own opinion is a fact. That doesn't make it true.

I don't miss teenage drama a bit.