Are those loaded rifles guarding our airports?


New member
Right after 9/11 the guards around post and in the airport had M16s w/o magazines. Soon they had a mag in the weapon and the safety on. Since you can not engage the safety on an M-16 unless the hammer is cocked (at least it does on my AR and from what I remember about the M-16 a few years ago), this implies that the weapons are loaded, round in chamber. Otherwise I would think that they would have an empty chamber, drop the bolt and hammer, and just insert a loaded or unloaded mag to give the impression that the guard is ready to fire. In that case the safety would be off since the hammer would be down. Maybe they have the gun cocked but still no round in the chamber, with a loaded/unloaded mag in the rifle, just so they can have the rifle on safe but still not be loaded, but that seems to be beyond most guardsmen/MPs/hospital techs impressed into guard duty. LAter.


New member
Nah, Jason...that was policy on guard duty during the gulf war. Locked with 30 round (empty) magazine inserted. Makes the sheeple feel good. The standard joke was:

What's the maximum effective range of an M-16?

"As far as I can throw this Motherf$#@*&! "



New member
A friend of mine is Lt. Col. in the MA guard. He's told me that all MA guard units on duty (whether at the airport or nuc plant or wherever) are carrying fully loaded weapons -- mags and chambers are loaded. That may not be the case in other states, but the folks in MA are loaded.



New member
Since you can not engage the safety on an M-16 unless the hammer is cocked (at least it does on my AR and from what I remember about the M-16 a few years ago), this implies that the weapons are loaded, round in chamber.

No, all it implies is the hammer is cocked. You cannot conclude they have a chambered round. I would doubt they have a round chambered.


New member
If you see a guy with a Baretta, you can be pretty sure it's loaded. Baretta's have those hammer-drop safeties, which make carrying them loaded pretty "risk free" for Security Officers, and COs. (Gotta love ORM :rolleyes: ) M-16's, however, are another matter. Same with shotguns, where I work. I know for a fact that the shotguns our base security gate guards carry are unloaded (I issue the ammo to them), but there are shell-holders on the stocks.

Brian Gibbons

New member
That's a "loaded" question ...

It is the decision of who ever is directly responsible for the security of what ever it is they are charged with securing. I have done guard duty with an empty rifle and with no rounds immediately available, guard duty with an empty rifle and a live mag in my pocket, and guard duty with a loaded rifle. Several factors are taken into consideration such as threat level vs public safety. The public not knowing for certain creates that politically neutral "neither confirm nor deny" status which stifles most queries ...


New member
In all honesty, if the guardsmen aren't being given ammo, I think they're getting screwed. The only situation that their presence could possibly aid in is a gunfight in the terminal itself, and without guns, they're just bonus points for the bad guys. They may as well trade their cammies for big bullseye T-shirts. Can you carry in an airport? I know you can't take it on a plane, but I know folks who have checked handguns(unloaded) through in their luggage. Can you pack it as far as the desk?

Ragin Cajun

New member
My family traveled west for Thanksgiving. I wear western style clothes. At one air port even the snaps drove the screener nuts. My wife just walked through, no problem. At another - unmentioned - airport I walked right through with my watch, a large belt buckle, the same snaps, and a bolo tie. My wife was behind me and the stupid thing went nuts.

Words don't descrbe my comtempt on this issue. I wrote my congressman to ditch passenger screenings and leave the safety to us.

:barf: :barf: :barf: :mad:

The Reaper

New member

A couple links to answer the question.

Also locally Fox reported a couple weeks ago that the NG in the DC area airports were loaded. BTW everything I read said something to the effect that the NGs are there to possibly deter but to reassure jittery passengers.

LAX Loaded

Florida Loaded

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