Are those loaded rifles guarding our airports?


New member
During Desert Storm (actually Shield) I spent my time doing guard duty with an unloaded weapon. I've known of other situations where soldiers were in harm's way sans ammo.

Does anyone know if the troops in our airports have live ammo?

Not commenting on whether or not I like seeing them there.


New member
Dunno if they are loaded or not, but i did notice that in Providence, Boston-Logan, and LAX they were older M16s with 10 round magazines.

However, in Honolulu, Atlanta-Hartsfield, and Kona they were M4s with 30 round magazines.

Made sense to me... :rolleyes:


This was pointed out before, I forget where. But there was a photo in the LA Times of a Nat'l Guardsmen with NO clip loaded.

There's something about the NG and actually letting them be locked and loaded, but I thought that had been recently cleared up and they were all set to go now....


New member
They might be loaded then they might not be but what is important is that any scum bag terrorist think they are. Maybe it is something that should be kept secret


New member
A friend of mine used to be in the National Guard during the days of "urban unrest." The times his unit was called up, rifles - but no ammo - were issued.

He and his buddies used to (discretely) bring their own . . .

Regardless of "official" policy, I wouldn't assume the rifles would stay unloaded for long...


They might be loaded then they might not be but what is important is that any scum bag terrorist think they are.

Yes, but when you're talking about a rifle with no clip in it....I think even the scumbags know there's at the most only one bullet to deal with.

And on another note, doesn't anyone see the whole NG thing as superficial? I is a guy in cammies gonna deter a wakko that wants to die anyway? He just calmly steps on board and does his business. What's the Guardsmen gonna do then?

...oh yeah, he can take one of those .50 cals and shoot the terrorist in the plane from the ground. I forgot about that...hehe


New member
If their M-16's are not loaded [Magazines Should be Loaded] then the guards might as well be carrying Super Soakers with Amonia.

I doubt they are carrying a round in the chamber.


New member
Your good point notwithstanding, Madison, it would not be the first time the higher ups have placed troops into a potentially hazardous situation (well, kinda anyway) with unloaded guns.

I've been there myself...

Not taking anything away from the Guardsmen, God bless 'em...but those guys aren't meant to deter anything other than old ladies fears. Just my opinion, and the topic of another thread.

I wanna know if they're loaded.

Dave R

New member
So who's going to be brave and ask one of 'em? May not get an answer, though.

I almost did 2 weeks ago when I flew, but the security people were so skittish that I thought I might earn myself a cavity search if I asked.

Rant on---

I am really angry at how useless the new security procedures are. None of them would have prevented 9/11 from happening. All they do is add significant delays to your overall travel time.

How is showing my ID at 4 locations making flying safer than showing at 1 location?

I worry that the new security procedures may harm the ariline industry as much as the terrorist act did, by making flying that mush more time consuming and aggravating.

Thank you for listening.


New member
Unloaded guns are damn near useless, except for being an expensive club. I say you restore the Second Amendment and let citizens carry their own loaded guns on planes and the world (this country) would be a much safer place. :D


New member
After Kent State in the 70's the Army is reluctant to allow it's people access to live ammo.

I doubt the NG troopers have live ammo, if they do they are probably issued three rounds and not permitted to chamber a round. That is standard military procedure.

But they do get to wear those stupid Berets:rolleyes:

Dave R

New member
Continuing my minor rant...

I do NOT believe the National Guard is in the airports to stop a terrorist attack.

I believe they are in the airport to comfort the sheeple so they will be willing to fly again.

That's the mission.


New member
How is showing my ID at 4 locations making flying safer than showing at 1 location?
My sentiments exactly, Dave. I flew out of Boise last Wed for the holiday, and I had to show my ID 3 times (check-in, security gate, and boarding). While I like not having to deal with the extra, non-ticketed folks in the gate areas, showing ID like this is ridiculous and does not help with security. The terrorists had legal IDs.

What do you do if you don't have a gov't issued ID?

Why do people think the feds are going to do a better job with security? Without a visible threat, the current security measures would have not have been welcomed by the general public in the past. Given the fact that airline terrorist activity in the US was not a problem in the past, tougher security measures were not necessary.

Allowing families to sue the airlines for lax security and allowing the airlines to go out of business if they can't pay are vital parts of ensuring the airlines will provide real security. That's how changes are made in a free-market society.

Now that the feds are taking over security, does anyone really believe they will do a better job? We've had no terrorist problems in airports in the past, so what are unarmed NG troops going to do? The military is not trained for police work, and standing around all day looking stupid is not conducive to tight security.

It irks me, but ultimately I don't have a problem with screening bags and passengers for bombs. However, I am very uncomfortable being disarmed on a plane. IMO knives and other weapons should be allowed.

Now that we all are aware of what can (and will) happen with terrorists on an airplane, I'm fairly confident that we won't have any problems in the future. This is due to awareness, not extra security.

I wish I didn't have to fly for my job. Luckily I'm not traveling much these days.

BTW, no problems whatsoever with checking a firearm on this past trip in Boise and in Columbus, OH on the return.


New member
Haven't flown in about a year. Now that I've got my motorhome it will probably be a long time 'til I do. But prior to that I flew on a pretty regular basis, both foreign and domestic.

That said I don't think I'm even tempered enough to put with all the crap I keep hearing about from current flyers. Showing ID does nothing for safety. If I wanted an ID I could get some great looking stuff from half the cooks and waiters in town for a couple of hundred bucks. I've seen some and it would pass any eyeball scrutiny.

If the NG airport security is not carrying loaded why wouldn't this be a good idea for your local LEO or the feds. "It's the thought that counts", right? And look at the money saved on ammo and training. :rolleyes:


New member
...and just what kind of background check are the rifle-toting NG's subjected to? Why should we trust them?

Wasn't it an Egypt Air pilot that crashed his plane full of passengers in a vertical dive [after mumbling some religious phrase] a couple of years ago? Who does the background checks on pilots and aircrew?

"Airline Security" seems to be the latest governmental oxymoron.

David Park

New member
I've got to go to Dulles in a few weeks to pick someone up. Maybe I'll try this line with a Guardsman:

"Is your gun loaded? Oh, it's not? Mine is." :)

I really don't enjoy having my face rapidly introduced to the floor, so maybe I'll just keep my mouth shut.


New member
At Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, the NGs I checked out were carrying M16A1s, well worn, with a 30 round magazine, and no spares. Since this is Guard activity, it can vary state to state.