are there any sensible gun regulations you would support?


New member
The only "reasonable" gun law I support:

"A Well Regulated Militia being necessary to a free state; the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Or, stated in modern American English:

“A well-armed and trained people being necessary to a free state; the right of the people to own and carry arms equal to, or better than, the military shall not be infringed.

All other gun laws (regulations) shall be made null and void.

Metal god

New member
I agree 100% with what you all are saying .

The thing is I did not ask what we should not do . I asked what should we do when 20 children are slaughtered like they were . We as a society and human beings must do someting right ?

We all seem to know what will not help so lets take it to the next level and put out some real ideas that can help .

Instead of a armed gaurd/police at every school . Maybe we put together a program like the air marshalls . 1 undercover marshall for every 5 to 10 schools . They can rotate and the bad guys never know what school has the marshall . That could cut the cost by 1/5 to 1/10 .

Just a thought . Im looking for ways to make things work not finding was that they can't .


New member
“A well-armed and trained people being necessary to a free state; the right of the people to own and carry arms equal to, or better than, the military shall not be infringed.

A well-armed people being necessary to a free state; the right of the people to own and carry arms equal to, or better than, the military shall not be infringed. Congress nor the Executive branch will not pass any law or executive order limiting the free exercise of the right, nor shall it be taxed or regulated.

With whatever provision for barring violent felons.
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New member
A well-armed people being necessary to a free state; the right of the people to own and carry arms equal to, or better than, the military shall not be infringed. Congress nor the Executive branch will pass any law or executive order limiting the free exercise of the right, nor shall it be taxed or regulated.

With whatever provision for barring violent felons.

For hundreds of years this wasn't necessary. Apparently, we put violent felons in prison or put them to death. No reason for all the honest people to undergo background checks while felons slithered around the system breaking the law. they can't buy guns when they're in prison.


New member
I agree with the "why have any gun laws" sentiment. We only started having national gun laws in 1934. As a starting point I would prefer we go back to the status of 1933 for firearms and explosives. Try that out for a change since gun laws seem to encourage more violent crime.


New member
Having done a stint on a grand jury I had the opportunity to ask several officers where they thought the guns came from that were used in crimes. Most said that they were taken, borrowed or given by relatives or "business" associates. Many were crappy weapons that had been used as drop or ditch guns in the past. Any gun of value would be sold for money and rarely used for a crime eventually making its way to pawn shops or the occasional buy back program.


New member
Boy, are you guys in trouble.

Am I glad I live in a country without the 2a.

I only need a clean rapsheet and a reasonable interest to own and shoot my guns just for sports. And that is not a right, it's a priviledge. With very extensive backgroundchecks which are being done every year. In fact: a background check is being done before someone can join a gunclub.

We have mandatory storage in a gunsafe here.
We have homevisits by police to check the storage every year.
We basically have a waiting period of up to 18 months for a first gun.
We have a 3 year waiting period for assualt weapons.
In that time we are required to have training at least 18 times a year.
We have gunregistration of all modern fire-arms. All antique fire-arms used for sportshooting are registered.
Hence - all gunsales are to be reported to the police.

We had our mallninja. And some weird changes have been made. But I still own all of my guns. We repelled that by explaining who we are and what we as sportshooters do to keep the sport safe.

I'm sitting here and am really saddened that you only see a Right.
But at the same time a lot of you have no regards for the moral responsibility that come with owning a fire-arm. You already freak out by the mere thought of some type of mandatory storage. Don't tell me this or that, you infringe my 2a. Gunregistration? It's the first thing of them grabbing my guns.
Selling through an FFL? Get your hand out of my wallet! Training? A gun is not a car which is a for more dangerous object! Really?

If those things work in my country, they will never work in yours. So, it probably would be a great idea writing your representatives in Senate and Congres pointing out the basic necessity of your 2a. Don't change anything. Those 10,000 deaths each year will go away when we go to bed tomorrow night for it is then you start the count again and begin with 0.

Good night, America, sweet dreams.
Gun regulations started within months of the Bill of Rights of 1791 with the Militia Acts of 1792, the second of which required what must be possessed in terms of weaponry.
And that is not a right, it's a priviledge.
But that's the exact difference between our countries. In ours, the right to keep and bear arms is a right.

Privileges are fragile things that are easily lost.


New member
Can you really compare the Netherlands to the United States? Different size, racial make up, drug policies, political structure, history etc. Based on your argument we should adopt the policies of the countries with the lowest percentage of gun related homicides which would be China or North Korea, or maybe Nazi Germany I'm the late 30s - you remember them, don't you?


New member
Good night, America, sweet dreams.
Same back atcha....
Happy and safe New Year also.

While you're laying comfortable in you bed, about to drop off the sleep try to imagine this...

The once free people of the United States of America have been disarmed.
The last line of defense between a free people and a tyrannical government has been removed.
The government is now free to take whatever it wants.

Do you really think for even a brief second, that government is going to stop with taking from it's own?
It a world of dwindling natural resources, a corrupt United States, free to pillage the world, is an unimaginable horror.

The only thing our founding fathers could never have envisioned is that one day, the United States would be the sole hyper-power on the planet.

So yes - a lot of us understand all too well the concept of moral responsibility....

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
I'm sitting here and am really saddened that you only see a Right.
The right to bear arms? I'm sorry my country was founded on it please explain what I should see instead.

But at the same time a lot of you have no regards for the moral responsibility that come with owning a fire-arm.
Please don't lecture me. I know how to own, clean, and use a firearm. 99.9% of the firearms in the country are used ethically, how can you say that we don't understand this morality?

You already freak out by the mere thought of some type of mandatory storage.
The majority has no right to tell me how I can use and store my property.

Don't tell me this or that, you infringe my 2a. Gunregistration? It's the first thing of them grabbing my guns. Selling through an FFL? Get your hand out of my wallet!
Irrelevant rhetoric that doesn't have a point other than sarcastic cheap shots. I do not define my personal property in relation to others and what they have to deal with in order to keep their property.

Training? A gun is not a car which is a for more dangerous object! Really?
Statistically speaking cars kill far more people than guns in the United States. More accidental drownings happen each year than rifle deaths. By that logic pools are more dangerous than rifles. While I don't believe that, you must perform an attempt to present a logical reason to demonize firearms in relation to other potential pieces of property a citizen can own.

If those things work in my country, they will never work in yours.
Your crime rate has gone up since you "removed" firearms from your country. Not to mention there are enormous social and demographic differences between our countries that you are ignoring.

So, it probably would be a great idea writing your representatives in Senate and Congres pointing out the basic necessity of your 2a. Don't change anything. Those 10,000 deaths each year will go away when we go to bed tomorrow night for it is then you start the count again and begin with 0.
What faulty logic, if 10,000 deaths occur a year
A) 10,000/350,000,000 = 1/35,000. That's a .000029 ratio, .0029%. How devastating, I mean thats like twice as likely as being struck by lightning!
B) You cannot cite per year statistic and then say we restart the clock at 0 the next morning. That is a rather poor construct of time reference.

Good night, America, sweet dreams.
You're welcome for our central bank bailing out the entire European Union.

Your remarks are quite childish. I thought Europeans were "enlightened".
Metal God said:
We all seem to know what will not help so lets take it to the next level and put out some real ideas that can help .

Repeal both Federal and state gun-free school zone laws (although if done right at the state level the Federal law is neutered), and invite both teachers and parents who own firearms to carry when in the schools.

Can't afford to post an armed cop or three in every school every day? Canvas the parents and set up volunteer coverage. With enough volunteers, a half decent size school should be able to generate enough armed guards that nobody would need to pull a shift more often than once every two or three weeks.


New member
Yup. There should be a couple of people already on staff that would be willing to carry a gun. They could be provided additional training. The shear reality that someone could be armed on the campus will deter most would be cowards.
I may be jumping in here a bit late, but I think that giving any ground to the anti-gun folk is a huge mistake. Say the gun community and the NRA were to agree to support legislation that would require a background check for all private sales just as is done when purchasing through an FFL.

I don't think that would stop gangbangers and psychos from getting guns. They could still obtain them from a 3rd party who would claim the gun was "stolen".

#2 *When* the next school shooting happens the anti-gun nutjobs will be back again and this time demanding that we give even more. This time they'll be demanding a ban on "assault rifles" and high capacity magazines. And now the government knows what you have and where you live. Don't think for a second that the anti-gun groupies are not ultimately trying to ban guns outright. It doesn't matter to them if it's for hunting, recreation, etc etc. You hunting rifle is a "sniper rifle" and they'll be wanting that too all for the "greater good". I'm still ticked about the firearms they've already banned, why would I support new laws?


New member
And this surely is the biggest fail in this discussion.

"The majority has no right...."

Wrong. The majority has every right to tell you all these things.
The majority elect your lawmakers who get there mandate how to do things.

In your narrow mind you only can be truly free when you belong to a majority.
So I suggest you get that majority involved. With stupid alternatives portrait by your NRA you will loose this war on guns.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
And this surely is the biggest fail in this discussion.

"The majority has no right...."

Wrong. The majority has every right to tell you all these things.
The majority elect your lawmakers who get there mandate how to do things.
There is not a single man, nor group of men, who can tell me I am wrong purely on an appeal to popularity. This concept is the grossest misalignment of truth our modern society has conjured. The majority wanted Stalinist Russia, the majority re-elected Hugo Chavez, the majority is a lynch mob waiting to hang witches in a Quaker village. Democracy, while greater than authoritarianism, is not an inherently ethical construct. To assert the majority and a game of special interest can dictate the man I am and how I will conduct myself is the greatest evil on mankind. I am not a public sacrifice to the will of a riot.

In your narrow mind you only can be truly free when you belong to a majority.
This is entirely contradictory to what I have interpreted your argument to be, and for you to tell me this is my creed... I have no words to justify your mistake.

So I suggest you get that majority involved. With stupid alternatives portrait by your NRA you will loose this war on guns.
The second sentence doesn't even make sense grammatically. And this is not war on anything but civil liberty.
dutchgunsmoke said:
"The majority has no right...."

Wrong. The majority has every right to tell you all these things.
The majority elect your lawmakers who get there mandate how to do things.
No, Sir, you are wrong.

Our lawmakers have no right to overrule the Constitution. This is why every crazy new law they write starts off with declaring that whatever they wish to regulate or outlaw "is in interstate commerce," because our Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal government is allowed to regulate only things that are in interstate commerce. Thus we get such insanity as a person in California who grew his own marijuana for his own, personal use being charged with a Federal drug crime, on the spurious basis that because he grew his own marijuana in California, he did NOT have to import it from another state and thus he negatively affected interstate commerce.

The only way the "majority" has a right to outlaw firearms is through the process established in the Constitution itself to amend the Constitution. Until that happens, the 2nd Amendment is still part of the Constitution, and it still says "The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
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