Are "fashionable" guns a danger?


New member
You are absolutely right heyjoe. The gun community is a diverse bunch. Thank goodness for the differences.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I've deleted some rather silly political rants on gender issues.

They are not appropriate.

It is legit to discuss whether the guns under discussion have liabilities.


New member
"At the end of the day, whatever colors and options and soft-touch materials companies come up with, these things are all tools with one main design purpose: KILLING OTHER HUMAN BEINGS."

I seriously doubt that a single shot .22 target pistol's design and purpose is to "kill other human beings." And although a hatchet isn't necessarily designed to "kill other human beings - Lizzie Borden took an ax...


New member
Once again,a bunch of argument and passion over NOTHING!!

Why don't we argue the meaning of "IS"

Back in the 1700's,a set of flintlock dueling pistols was most certainly designed for at least one of two people to get a hole blown in them.
And they may have been carved,engraved,inlaid with gold,and the highest state of functional art possible.

A Colt Gold Cup is not designed or built to kill people,but that may well be what JMB had in mind for the 1911.

What about a Contender or XP-100?

A Ramset stud setting gun ,a nail gun,and hammers were all designed as TOOLS,but people have been murdered with all of them.

SO WHAT???? In the words of what's her name "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???

How is a polymer handgun different than a Hitachi cordless drill?

They both make holes.

Don't get me wrong,I certainly can treat good work with respect.

But IMO,when some folks project irrational spells and powers and head trips on "Now I have this GUN in my hands" its a little creepy.

Making a gun is not really much different than making a Dillon progressive reloading press.
Its just parts,made well,that work together.

And,sometimes,a certain amount of "Sausagemaking" goes into one.

I bought an old,first gen Caspian double stack 1911 frame real cheap.Somebody bought it,started,and gave up.

Then I discovered the dust cover was warped off to one side about .040.

Unacceptable. I decided "Nothing to lose!" I strategically poured it full of cerro-safe to support it,stuck it in a mill vise,put an old,worn slide on the rails backwards for a wrench,and beat the tar out of it with a dead blow hammer.
I just began with writing it off,then tried to save it.

When the mics and indicators told me everything was inside .002 ,we hard fit/lapped the slide.

Frame,$100. Used 38 Super comped race gun top end,off of an old single stack?It was donated,no charge.Just gathering dust.
Slide was Bo-Mar cut.Installed adapter,mini-red dot.
Maybe $140 for EGW fire control,.Biggest investment was magazines.Those are slightly reworked EAA's.They work.
Its running in three gun matches,like a sewing machine. "The Sows Ear"
My emotions over this gun? I shake my head and laugh.

There are very few hours in this gun.It was put together out of what was on hand so my brother could participate in 3 gun and falling plate shoots.
"Cheap" and "Getting it shooting" were the priorities. Like a "claimer" stock car.
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