AR15 bolt carrier group


"I don't have any experience with adjustable gas blocks- always been an answer to a question I never personally asked kinda problem."

That's odd. An adjustable gas block has been at least a viable answer to nearly every DI problem I've encountered. On the other hand, up till now, I've never really considered that "trimming" the ejector spring would solve anything.


New member
I said "a question I never personally asked." From my limited experience with them, it seems to be a headache I don't care to deal with. Any problems I've had that could probably be solved with an adjustable gas block, I've managed to cure with buffer weights, springs, enlarging undersized barrel gas holes. A lot of folks seem to really like adjustable gas blocks, but there have been quite a few times I've heard folks say they don't stay adjusted or whatever. I just don't want that headache and have never had the need to get one. I haven't put out a rifle upper yet (32 so far) that has needed one.


New member
There are several adjustable gas blocks on the market. Do you know if these guys were using a particular brand? I plan to go with a Wilson because I've had such good luck with their M1911 parts...



New member
Nothing wrong with a "full auto BCG" - it just means it has some extra metal not carved away, it's the auto sear (and I think more specifically a drop in auto sear "DIAS") that they classified as a machine gun on it's own.. Maybe some other parts, maybe someone else can elaborate, but not the full auto style BCG, not that I'm recommending that or saying a semi auto style won't work famously...

I don't think I'll ever be that into tinkering with these things - for me I'd rather use known-to-work-together parts and have a good rifle versus Frankensteining :).. but I will say I used a JP tuned spring and an H2 with really great results in one rifle that had a lot of twang to it. Better to start with a carbine buffer, make sure it all works, then start messing with stuff if you ask me.
On the topic of full auto rated BCG's and drop in auto sears, those drop in sears are stupid easy to make, literally any 15 year old shop student in high school with the prints could make them. As time goes on tho and 3D printing becomes more popular, drop in sears and the selector switches are going to be accessible by anyone. Full auto BCG's are precision made and would be difficult for 3D printers to make correctly, so I think in the future, if AR's aren't banned by then, there's going to be a push to stop full auto rated BCG's to civilians.

More likely AR's will just be folded into the "machine gun" NFA category under the constructive possession argument.