AR rifle build. Use a pistol lower for flexibility?

P Flados

New member

When I bought my last stripped lower, it came in a clear plastic bag with no mfg markings as to "Pistol", "Rifle", or "Other" (these are the terms that matter, multi-cal has nothing to with pistol vs. rifle). It was up to me and the gun store clerk to decide what to call it. He was okay with any of the three choices. We agreed, that if we filled out the form as "pistol", a pistol purchase permit would be required.


New member
It's my understanding that a stripped lower purchased as "multi" or otherwise designated as neither a rifle or pistol can legally be changed back and forth at will between rifle and pistol uppers. Is this wrong?
This is correct.

See post #11 by stagpanther, and post #13 quoting BATF regulations.

Some documentation such as pictures or other, might be a good idea in order to prove that the "multi" lower was first configured as a pistol.
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New member
Originally Posted by shafter View Post
It's my understanding that a stripped lower purchases as "multi" or otherwise designated as neither a rifle or pistol can legally be changed back and forth at will between rifle and pistol uppers. Is this wrong?
This is correct.

See post #11 by stagpanther, and post #13
Life is simply an inter-temporal problem of constrained optimization.
Technically the way this is worded it is incorrect. If you are the home individual manufacturer, than you must first manufacture as a pistol before repurposing as a rifle.


New member
Technically the way this is worded it is incorrect. If you are the home individual manufacturer, than you must first manufacture as a pistol before repurposing as a rifle.
Yeah you are right, I just realized what you just said and I edited the post suggesting some documentation, as a few posters have already suggested.

That's why in the OP my question was about starting with a pistol lower, because I thought it would give the flexibility of configuring back and forth between pistol and rifle without having to worry about establishing records stating that it was a pistol first.