AR Pistol Rebirth (after its death)


New member
I am taking a .300aac pistol and will install a ridiculously long muzzle device on to the barrel of this future rifle.

Most cost effective way of eliminating the risk of owning this firearm. I like this upper and it runs really well and I have tons of 300aac stockpiled. I don’t care about the looks really.

I am curious if soldering the pin in place is a legal and legitimate way of “pinning and welding” the device in place. I have the skill to do so, I solder tips onto sawmill blades, among other things regularly.

This lower, when converted will also be used with a 6.8spc upper that has been orphaned for a while.


New member
I'd suggest you find and read the BATF procedure for "Blind Pinning"

Its BATF speak and imprecise opinions can get you in trouble.

From memory, you can use a 360 deg full bead weld ,you can use 360 deg high temp silver solder. They give a temp. As I recall its something like 1400 deg f but check.

The blind pin thing isn't really a machinist definition of "blind pin" As I recall,the hole gets drilled at an offset from bore axis approx 1/2 the pitch dia of the threads.(My words,not the BATF, I'm pretty sure they don't want you to pin it like a barrel extension at the breach.Its my way of describing a transvers pin similar to a FSB transverse tapered pin. I hate this CYA language stuff but there is always some wannabe lawyer critic with something to say ."Cite your source" I'm not getting paid to do research for you. I'm just a shooter trying answer a question. No,silver braze or solder is not suitable for "blind pinning" ) After its pinned,you must weld over the hole(s) with steel then dress and finish it so you can't tell where the hole is.
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New member
I see now after doing some quick break time googling, I can pin it and weld over the pin, or high temp silver solder the entire device.

I will just do the pin and weld route, as I also have a mig/tig welder.

The device that I ordered comes pre-drilled for the pin and I have a drill press with an x-y vice to drill into the threads.

In the unlikely event that I mess it up, I’ll just order a 16” barrel, lol.


New member
I’m not super enthusiastic about registering a few ounces of plastic to go on a gun that I’ve legally owned for a few years now.

So I can either just add some steel, for a few dollars or pay 200 and register some plastic.


New member
I looked at that option, but I don't want to have to ask permission from big brother to cross state lines. I'd just add the barrel extension as well if I had the skills, and still put a real buttstock on it. I just got rid of the brace and took the backup irons off, mine is dying a slow death.


New member
Yeah, the AR pistol was fun, never used the brace as a stock. If it wasn’t such a good running gun, I’d just scrap the barrel all together.

The irony of it all is I liked the fact that no muzzle device was needed with the caliber, now it will have one.


New member
I looked at that option, but I don't want to have to ask permission from big brother to cross state lines.
This is my position.

Registration as an SBR IS the right choice for some folks and some good reasons. But its not the right choice for me. I'm not going to do it.
But you do you!! Its all good.

I would not permanently attach a muzzle device (for myself) but thats not what the OP asked about. He asked a tech question about blind pinning.

I chose to strip my 10 in bbl pistol down to a minimalist pistol,which is legal. To cover any "constructive assembly" contingencies I put together a 16 in AR that will be a legal place to potentially install any accessories I may have accumulated along the way.
So long as I can assemble a lawful firearm from the parts I have I'm squeaky clean legal as I understand it. I'm not a lawyer,do your own research.

Its legal for me to own a 10 in Contender pistol.
Its legal for me to own a 16 in Contender carbine.

Its legal for me to own one Contender frame and a kit of a shoulder stock, a 16 in barrel (to assemble a carbine) and a 10 barrel with a pistol grip to assemble a pistol.
That works and I'm legal so long as 1) I have the 16 in + bbl so I can assemble a lawful carbine and 2) I do not assemble a 10 in bbl SBR .

I can lawfully assemble a 16 in bbl AR with a buffer tube. With the 16 in bbl installed, I can lawfully assemble a brace as a mediocre buttstock. And a scope and a foregrip. And I can cross state lines as long as this carbine is configured to be lawful in the state.

But if the OP wants to weld on a pickle, Its OK by me. And if anyone wants to register as an SBR, You go right ahead! I'm not going to tell you how to live. As a matter of fact, I'd expect a rude reply if I did.
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New member
My first AR was a 7.5" 5.56 pistol, built (assembled) from whatever parts I could get my hands on. Ran fine from day one, contrary to the myriad malfunctions that were guaranteed by 'experts'. Was fun. I liked it.
I was offered one of the original Sig SB-15 braces for cheap, and gave it a shot. Hated it. Too heavy, bulky, and short; and impossible to use as an actual brace, if desiring to use the sights.

Then I started assembling rifles.

When I wanted to combine a butt stock and short barrel, I hesitated because of all of the fuddlore and over-talked BS surrounding SBRs and ATF headaches.

Eventually, I just filed a Form 1 and went for it. Approval was something like 76 days. A local machinist engraved the lower for me, a couple days later. And I assembled the fun.
I should have stamped it sooner. I missed out on a lot of fun.

Form 20s (ATF Form 5320.20) are annoying, but not as bad as many people portray them. I typically send mine off in early April each year - probably today, since the subject is fresh in my mind.

I have them saved as pre-filled .pdf files. One per state. Each year, I copy-paste a file (or two), change the name(s), and add a state (or two) by entering a new address.
To change dates, I open one file and change it from, say, 08/01/2021-07/31/2022, to 08/01/2022-07/31/2023. (Yes, just two digits until 2029, or 2027 after the form is up for revision in 2026.)
After changing the dates, all I have to do is copy once and paste into every other file in a matter of minutes. Copy-paste-paste-paste-paste.

I print them off, sign, send them all off in one 9x12 envelope for about $3, and get them back, piece-meal, over the following weeks.

Good for the year, for every state in my list.
In all, it takes about an hour of my time - including the drive to the post office.

I added an SBS this year. Initial filing will take a couple hours to build up the state list. But it is a one-time setup fee. In the following years, it is just change dates, copy-paste-paste-paste-paste...

I do still have the pistol. It is my only AR that just is what it is. It does one thing, and does it well. The rest get uppers and lowers swapped around regularly. The 7.5" upper has been used on an SBR lower, but I tend to just keep the assembly in pistol form.

Thinking about it now, it would probably be even quicker and easier to do with a python script that filled out the forms based on data in a maintained spreadsheet. Check info. Make sure there isn't a revised F20. Hit 'go'. Verify output. Print. Sign. Mail.
15 minutes per firearm, probably. -Assuming the printer can keep up.
Ahahahaha! It already exists! :D


New member
I’m going to order a barrel… (now ordered)
I may keep it a pistol, I may rebarrel the receiver… or I may assemble another upper…

The pickle will go in the parts box. For now.


New member

Well, the pickle that came in is 6” total, counting the threaded part, so it comes up just shy of 16” to be legal. I guess I should have read the fine print lol. I had already abandoned the idea anyway. It’s one heck of a flash hider, might try it on something else.

The ballistic advantage 16” barrel is on the way anyway.


New member
Different strokes for different folks!

If I'm going to add the length and weight of a pickle I want the velocity from added barrel length.


New member
I think it will turn out to be a neat little carbine. It was fun as pistol.
I won’t run any type of muzzle device on the new barrel so it should be as compact as it can be.


New member
Well, my cool little pistol is now just a vanilla carbine.

Identical Ballistic Advantage 300aac barrel as before, just the 16 inch version and a carbine stock and buffer tube that I had in a dusty old parts box.

Had a funny oops on something I forgot about… parts were recovered… I bet someone here can guess what happened.

However, it runs great.

There is some irony that this lower has the Gadsden flag on it lol.


It might just have a date with this fellow…


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New member
Had a funny oops on something I forgot about… parts were recovered… I bet someone here can guess what happened.
At first glance I thought this was a blowback PCC since I can't discern an obvious gas system.