AR-15 pistols, Opinions good and bad


Active member
My experience is that the AR-15 platform does not work well as a handgun. That straight-line setup that works so well as a shoulder fired weapon makes it extremely "flippy" as a pistol, only being semi-practical when held with a firm grip on the front.

It was never designed to be shot with one hand, and I wouldn't really catagorize it as a handgun (regardless of what your brilliant legislators try to classify it as). It was specifically designed to be used with two hands, just like an SBR, but without the stock. And, because it's only a semi-auto there really is no need for the stock. You can learn to shoot it and be quite accurate with it - it's just a little different, that's all. In fact, it's one of the few guns where I find that a laser truly enhances its usefulness.

The noise is also nearly unbearable unless you wear double ear protection in the form of both ear plugs and ear muffs.

The preceived noise is only slightly more than the same gun in a rifle version. Sounds about like a .44 magnum (I tend to shoot it when I get my Desert Eagle .44 out to shoot) and I shoot mine all the time with just ear muffs without any problem. But, if the muzzle blast is a problem, then just swap out the muzzle brake for something that doesn't direct the sound energy back toward the shooter.

The muzzle flash is pretty darn impressive, especially this time of year when it's so dark anyways. That's a good thing for impressing your friends but a bad thing when you think of any real-world uses.

I'll give you that - muzzle flash is quite bright without a much larger flash hider.

The Deuce

New member
Something you should look into is the "KRISS Super V System" ... that gun takes COOL and FUN and PRACTICAL to a whole NEW Level !! Here's a write up on it...

"KRISS Super V System The KRISS system overcomes the shock-creating effects of the recoil gas by re-directing the gas's energy down and away from the traditional “straightline” design that creates so much felt-recoil and muzzle climb.

The KRISS System, in addition to “re-vectoring” the forces of the recoil, also reduces muzzle climb by activating a counter-balancing mass that further absorbs shock and re-directs forces that would otherwise create muzzle climb, thus compounding the operator's ability to consistently put rounds on-target whether through single-fire, multi-round burst or full automatic firing. Due to the fewer and lighter weight components, the KRISS is able to fire at extremely high rates of fire (1100-1500 should the application so warrant), however, the ROF can be easily adjusted to more common rates (650-700) through minor adjustments to the mechanism.

Because of its unique design, the KRISS technology significantly reduces both the number and weight of the moving parts of the mechanism. By reducing the mass of the slider and bolt and re-directing their movement, KRISS provides a lighter-weight operating system (as well as overall weapon) that in addition to the reduction of recoil and muzzle climb, can be handled for longer periods of time—and more accurately—by the operator. "


Now while it is designed to be shot as a RIFLE (Carbine) of sorts when the stock is in the FOLDED position or.. Can be removed the Super-V system essentially becomes a Pistol... I have personally got the chance to fire said weapon and find it to be one the best FIREARMS I have ever had the pleasure of shooting and will be purchasing One in the near future !!



New member
If you can't put it in a holster, and wear it around comfortably going about your business, to me.....its not a pistol. More like a pygmy rifle.

You would have been hard pressed to find a flintlock era pistol that had a holster much less fit in one. Yet when someone saw one tucked or clipped onto someones trousers no one doubted they carried a pistol.


New member
I had one, and it was a lot of fun. I built mine from the ground up, and that gave me a lot of gratification. When I converted it to an SBR, that was even better. You can use a sling to reverse the tension to give you a better, more stable sight picture. I built mine with an 11.5" 1/7 HBAR that was flutted from Bushmaster. Bushmaster makes a very good quality barrel, and you'd be surprised how accurate a short barrel can be.

It won't take too many range visits for you to want to make it an SBR.


and shortly after....



Active member
I love the Kriss! The only thing holding me back from buying one is the fact that it doesn't come in 10mm. 10mm would be a much better round for that platform than .45 (eventhough you can't find any 10mm ammo right now).