AR-15 pistols, Opinions good and bad


New member
i would like to builda AR-15 Pistol sometimewithin the next year, either in 9mm or .223, ill decide that later ( maybe do both :) ) so whats everyones opinion on these guns?

collector rob

New member
They are fun. I live in Wa state so a SBR is a no-no. I would prefer to have a SBR, but a pistol is a good substitute since that isn't an option.
Go over to There is a whole forum dedicated to AR pistols.


New member
I've seen/handled "pistols" in .223 and 9, and shot the former. Both were set up similarly, with red dot sights mounted at the front of the flat-top rail, for shooting with the end of the buffer tube tucked into the shoulder. They were both pretty "cool", but not really sure what they're for? I like the short carbine configuration, but I'm not really hot on either 9mm or .223. Chambered in 10mm, with good 20-round mags, it would be more interesting.


New member
Rick B thats pretty much what i want them for, the cool factor. i wouldnt mind having one chambered for .45 APC. how was the recoil on the one that you shot? and did you try any one handing shooting with it?


New member
Sounds like a fun project. 9mm would be my preference as that 223 would give me a headache to shoot. My light carbine 9 is a Kel Tec Sub 2000 for Glock 17 mags. Very easy shoot as far a recoil goes.


New member
Rick B thats pretty much what i want them for, the cool factor. i wouldnt mind having one chambered for .45 APC. how was the recoil on the one that you shot? and did you try any one handing shooting with it?

I shot it only two-handed, with a cheek weld on the buffer tube. My nose was right up against the charging handle. The gun had an Eotech sight mounted. It had what was described as a "pig nose" muzzle brake, recoil was mild, and we were easily double-tapping targets at 25-30 yards. Out of a pistol-length barrel, I'd rather have a pistol caliber.


New member
I've only been able to shoot one on one occasion. And the only thing sillier than I can think of than an AR pistol in .223 is one in 9mm.

In .223, I don't see the point. It's huge, but without a stock, it's difficult to shoot well. And the shorter barrel does allow the round to make a heap of noise and a colossal blast (which is fun, sure) but it doesn't exactly allow the round to work as designed.

So, if you go to 9mm, you've lost the tremendous blast and shock and noise and fireball, to gain... what? It's a 9mm, and huge, but with no stock.

You asked for opinions good and bad, I suppose mine will only come across as "baaaaaddd!" but in the end, if all you want is cool factor (and you think it's cool) then I guess you are good to go.

Explore cheaper carbines in pistol calibers--- these could definitely fit a wish for cool factor, would most likely be cheaper, and easier to shoot effectively. Making noise and spewing brass is better than having to go to work, but after 10 minutes on the range, if you can't hit things with it, the fun fades quickly.

There's one place that offers carbine parts that work with either a Glock frame or a 1911 frame. Explore that before you go with an AR pistol, IMO.


New member

i asked for good and bad opinions to form my opinion on them. so in that way its a good opinion. i appreciate all the opinions so far and would like to here more


New member
I have one in 7 inch waiting on SBR paperwork. SBR was the original reason i bought the "pistol". Planning on getting a 10.5 inch upper as well, both in .223. Ofcourse in an SBR its a better platform but with a padded buffer tube i think its shoots quite well. I havent taken mine to the range yet but i have no problem shooting cans at 50+ yards with it. Its a fun gun. noveske KX-3 will take care of the muzzle flash but its still pretty loud, but if you're wearing muffs or plugs it really isnt an issue, the kx-3 is supposed to blow the concussive blast downrange and it works quite well, so i woudlnt let that part discourage you.

In .223 it had almost no recoil so follow up shots are quick. If you cant go SBR then by all means get an AR pistol. you will undoubtedly get a bunch of negative views fom people about them (most of which probably havent shot one I would bet) but like any gun there are things they are good for and things they are not good for. Most people get the "mall ninja" vibe from them, and that makes them think they are stupid, but dont let taht stop you.


New member
not a "pistol"

If you can't put it in a holster, and wear it around comfortably going about your business, to me.....its not a pistol. More like a pygmy rifle.

But, for the time being, we can still buy what we want, so have at it.


New member
Got One.

I have a Rock River 10 1/2" Barrel, in A2 form...I have a green dot laser on it...It shoots great. It is kind of loud, but, the kick is very light.

Mine is very accurate around 40-50 yards., because that is where I shoot it, most times...I had to change out to 20 round mags...I was spending so much ammo, it was getting at least you have to stop every 20 rounds to change mags...

At the range, I have had people laugh at it, and them, I hand it to them and let them squeeze off a few rounds..then I hear...Damn, that is cool...

I say...If you want one...go for it. You will love it, and, it is an AR, so you can always change it around later with a new $1oo.oo lower and a longer barrel....Or...sell it to someone that wants some adventure..

Steve Bales
Charleston, SC


Active member
I haven't read the other posts yet so as not to be influenced with regard to what I'm about to say.

I think the .223 cartridge makes a fine pistol round. I have a Carbon-15 pistol. It's fun as heck to shoot. A forward grip would be nice, but it's not necessary and I don't want to bother with registration. It's controlable, accurate and suprisingly light and portable. It's been rather durable - no parts breakage. However, you will get failures to feed when it gets dirty. It doesn't like being dirty. That means it needs to be cleaned about every 500 rounds....maybe less. I could scope it if I want to, but I don't see the point.

It is certainly a fun range toy. Also, in a disaster situation I could see opting to carry my Carbon-15 over a rifle in addition to a handgun. It's light, portable, and easier to conceal than a rifle. Magazines hold 30-40 rounds. Why invest in an FN 5-7 when you could pay a lot less and build an AR pistol or just buy a used Carbon-15?

I dont understand what you guys mean by getting a headache from shooting it in .223...please explain.
I think most folks who have shot an AR Pistol would agree that with the muzzle brake that they usually come with, it produces a louder-than-rifle BOOM to the well as a brighter flash.
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New member
I've never owned one, . . . and I probably never will, . . . but if the correct set of circumstances were to come about, . . . I would just love to have one.

Columbus, Ohio has a prattling little brat for a mayor that is nothing more than a BO wannabe, . . . including his anti-gun stand. I think he is a plank owner on some "mayor's against guns" task force or some such stupidity.

I'd just love to be pulled over in some checkpoint where the mayor was getting a photo op presence and have to open my coat for the officer to see my AR in the shoulder holster. The look on Der Mayer's face would be worth at least a grand. :D

May God bless,


New member
Since BATF, in their infinite wisdom, have defined a shoelace as a "machine gun", it will only be a matter of time when the recoil spring tube on an AR 15 style pistol will be determined to be a form of shoulder stock and the pistols will all be redefined as SBRs.

Can't happen? Don't bet on it.

David the Gnome

New member
My experience is that the AR-15 platform does not work well as a handgun. That straight-line setup that works so well as a shoulder fired weapon makes it extremely "flippy" as a pistol, only being semi-practical when held with a firm grip on the front. The noise is also nearly unbearable unless you wear double ear protection in the form of both ear plugs and ear muffs. The muzzle flash is pretty darn impressive, especially this time of year when it's so dark anyways. That's a good thing for impressing your friends but a bad thing when you think of any real-world uses.

My personal verdict: If you've got money to burn and already have everything else it makes a fun toy but it's pretty much relegated to toy-only status. Don't get it if you plan on using it for anything practical. ;)


Active member
15 style pistol will be determined to be a form of shoulder stock and the pistols will all be redefined as SBRs.

Can't happen? Don't bet on it.

No, I'd place my bet on "it could happen"! The only thing that would be problematic is that there are other AR-style cousins that don't use the buffer spring. And, it would do nothing about the AK pistols, etc.

They did try to address the heavier "assault" pistols in the '96 AW ban by banning handguns that weighed more than a certain amount. That's when the Carbon-15 emerged on the market - it was light enough to sneak under the ban....which is exactly why I purchased it! It is a perfect example of technology triumphing over draconian laws made by idiots, fools and morons.