Anyone thought of stockpiling lead?

Don P

New member
Yep I need to start my very own super-fund cleanup site once the neighbors catch wind of what I'm doing.


New member
I always looking for lead no matter how much I have . I do cast my own bullets and some shot also.The problem with WW is that they are not all lead anymore they make them out of zinc and steel and plastic fill with sand also.need to watch when you melt it to make sure you do not get zinc in the mix.
I don't think there will ever be a shortage of lead if you need it and want to cast it. I wouldn't bank on automotive wheel weights made of cast lead being around forever though. Though its not a desireable source, all those new green dream cars aill be hauling around a bunch of lead soaked in sulfuric acid.
A good friend of mine is a shop foreman at a new car dealership. His father reloads, and he knows I reload. I've been asking him about old wheel weights, but he said he hasn't seen a lead wheel weight come through the shop in a couple of years. The stuff on the new cars and the weights they get for balancing tires are either zinc or steel.


New member

As some have stated modern wheel weights do not contain pure lead - it is now due to EPA a alloy. It seems the pure lead WW, when fall off the tire, are ground up into dust. Rut Ro! Car acid batteries are very bad to try and recycle.

Some sources for pure lead are:
Old lead waterlines
Scrap from plumbers lead flashing
Scrap from roofers lead flashing
Lead outside sheath from underground phone cables
Lead used for "Lead Shielding" reactors

One of the last construction projects I ran was to install a medical chemical reactor. The reactor was supplied by General Electric Medical Equipment, complete with 35# interconnecting bricks of pure industrial lead. There were 93 extra bricks sent to the project. The reactor operator/owner wanted to keep a few on hand and asked if I would dispose the balance. This was easy - two loads over two days and 43 35# bricks arrived into my gun shop(1,505 # of clean pure lead).

I have been a muzzleloader/buckskinner for over 30 years. I have given about 500 # away, shot some up and still have 21 bricks remaining (735#). As I have now reached 68 years on this earth - I have enough. Casting lead is fun - just keep the area DRY and WELL ventilated.

The Strawstalker, behind the lines in Liberal Colorado