Anyone see PETA's latest.....

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've long held that there are three people whose ideas have done more harm to the U.S. psyche than any others: Felix Salter, Walt Disney and Ralph Nader.

Salter's "Bambi" and Disney's "Wild Kingdom" gave distorted views of the realities of nature by attributing human emotions to animals. Nader's notions that unlimited regulatory controls could provide a totally-safe and warm snuggly world free of any danger merely added to these unrealities.

Ingrid Newkirk came here from England and started PETA, declaiming publicly that, "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy." That ranks right in there with Donna Shalala's notion that, "All sex is rape," insofar as intellectual vacuity.

That vacuity causes PETA and HSUS to rank among the world's worst enemies of wildlife...


454 gunner

New member
People are naive enough to belive anything. I asked a anti-hunter in my family how deer die naturally, they had no clue. I told her they don't die of old age that is for sure! Some people only know what someone told them, even if that someone is dead wrong!


New member
I'm going to have to do that again.... mean momma said I was too nice :( .
Just like PETA, give ya cool game to play, then make you watch some weak video about turkeys.... Well I gotta go check my traps, and do a little small game hunting :D