Anyone see PETA's latest.....


Staff In Memoriam
How dern goofy... TOFU TURKEY? I think I will stick with pluckin and stuffin' the real McCoy!


New member
miss understood

peta is a little of the wall, If I remember the bible it self said to be fruitful and multiply along with harvest what we need from the earth. If we are not to eat meat then why are our teeth designed to rip and tear.

on a diffrent point I wonder how they feel about us who spearfish when we scuba dive ( the true one shot one kill game)


Staff In Memoriam
yoyo, Considering they think fish have a central nervous system I bet they despise spear fishing as much as hook and line.
I also think muzzle loader and single shot guns are one shot one kill as much as spear fishing. But I also think them spear guns are not true form spear devices. I think a hand held, hand hurled spear is true form primitive fishing. But i like all forms of fishing including the Hawaiian Sling. As i like all forms of firearm and hunting sports.


New member

ive been spearfishing for three years all i have right now is the sling spear but who is to complain. I cant remember not geting any fish while diving. most of the time flounder and sheepshead.


New member
Doggone! That was funny! But only because of how ridiculous it was.

On a more serious note - my beef with PETA is they treat animals better than people. Where are People for the Ethical Treatment of Unborn Humans?


New member
Wow, some people are mixed up if they think the biggest problem in the world is that turkeys don't get good enough ventilation!
im meaner than mama. the game is easy:D.

and what a load of crap. People Eating Tasty Animals

im going to go make a ham/turkey/and roast beef sandwich and eat a whole damn farm.:D


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
yoyo, there is a group very much like PETA called the Humane Society of the United States. HSUS. They don't do anything to help animals, like the animal shelters do; they're an anti-hunting lobbying group. Same jargon and spin. A guy named Wayne Pacelles has been the leader of the pack; I don't know if he's still the boss.

In interviews, he has stated that after hunting is ended, fishing is next.


Staff In Memoriam
Art, The H S U S is satan incarnate. I am a co-founder of a hog doggin/bulldog board... We were infiltrated (no better word) by John P. Goodwin who may be the current "NUT IN COMMAND". He is also a convicted felon for the bombings of animal labs, arson and destruction of cattle operations and fur bearer farms. In tracing his IP and such we had him logging on from the H S U S headquarters with their internal server and from his home. At one time we had his home address of his comcast cable account. we run the board above board and allow no illegal pics or discussion or even questionable pics of hog dogs in training pens etc. But we ended up having to make our board and another hog doggin board invitation, admin approved only restricted forum which is both a hassle for the mods and the users. He used several names but JP GOODWIN and "ALTSPORTSDIGEST" were 2 that come to mind. In google and ip use searches I found him following game fowl, hunting, pitbull and just plain ol' pet lover sites...


New member
The whole crapper load of those kooks are domestic terrorists; nothing more, nothing less. Why the FBI doesn't detain them is beyond belief.


Staff In Memoriam
Crow... I think we need a HOMELAND based "contractor" like blackwater to protect the interests of farmers and other businessmen in the good ol' USA!!! And yes I do firmly believe in SHOOT SHOVEL AND SHUTUP!


New member
well do to the fact that he is a felon maybe he will come see me at work. I will make his stay very entertaing.:)


New member
I for one found the video very informative. I agree turkeys that are stuck in poorly ventilated facilties live a sad life. I plan on helping out by shooting as many turkeys living a happy normal life as possible (within legal limits). The game was awesome though. I'm saving it. Can't wait for spring gobbler.


that just makes me want to kill even more helpless animals! good job PETA you're are directly responsible for the next deer i slay