Anyone Else Have This Problem?

Lost Sheep

New member
warningshot said:
If and when I lay-off all the treats for 48 to 72 hours my over all vision really improves. I still have distance 20/20, even with the Twinkies, but at times like right now I need glasses for close up work. I was bad at the dounut shop lately.
If your blood sugar level causes changes in your eyesight, you may be diabetic. Diagnosing early is key to preventing circulatory, vision, kidney and cardiac damage.

Lost Sheep


New member
Between my shoulder issues (30 year ago first injury to my left shoulder(punched a hole through two layers of 1/2" drywall and wallpaper), and a recent right shoulder injury(stumbled and put my hand out to keep my face off the pavement), and as my eyes changing from being over 50, it's a wonder I can shoot at all anymore. I need bifocals, but I can't get used to them. I spent a lot of $$$ to get a nice pair of lineless ones, and the change in focus up as I look up and down annoys the hell out of me. I finally gave up and just got a pair of normal glasses. My last experiment was "computer glasses", and I really hated them. I think I'm just going to stick with regular glasses until I get cataracts and get them fixed that way.

Ky Bob

New member
In my younger years I was always right eye dominant. About 5 years or more ago I noticed I was not shooting my right handed bow as good as I use too. Turns out that my left eye went dominant over the right eye. So to correct that I had to close my left eye or buy a left handed bow. I decided to keep my bow and close my left eye. That's also the way I have to shoot a pistol. If I keep both open I see double and that's not good!!


New member
No fear

I'm in perfect health. I just tend to notice small changes...even if just temporary...such as vision changes. Old football injuries, hello ted bundy, seem to surface after one too many gut-bombs also.


New member
There is a preferred finger placement but
one can put their finger anywhere as long
as they pull straight back.
Me thinks you just got into a bad habit,
seeing you were fine before.
Unloaded of course, but aim at a knot or corner
of the wall -pull the trigger and see where your front
sight ends up. Muscle memory is everything.