Anyone Else Bored with 100 Yards ?

TX Hunter

New member
I have been using 100 Yards as a standard for years, but today got completely bored with it. I was not using a rest just knealing shooting my Mauser. I was blowing up Milk Jugs, I took my GPS Marked my spot facing a hill, I was on private property with the gate locked, I took my Milk Jugs out to 200 Yards. I was hitting them. Iron sights I got more pleasure out of that than I have ever had shooting targets at 100 yards. I would love to try three hundred but cant find a place around here where I can shoot that offers a clean 300 yard shot. I was just wondering If I am the only one that has gotten bored with 100 yards and bench rest ?


New member
yes--gets to be same ole same ole. got into reactive targets (steel)--for my handguns, 22 rifles and my tommygun (semi auto). makes for a bit more fun.:D


New member
Know the feeling; my range is 300. Here lately I've been on Google Earth ranging the family farm to see what I can get away with for distance; I think... I could set up a 500 yard shot with little fuss. Love having that covered bench though, especially now with the summer heat (103 today... not cool).


New member

Kneeling. Great. Now try standing up and doing the same. Change your target. Put out a high power rifle target sized for 100 yards and shoot at that. See what you can do for scores. The competition guys will shoot in the high nineties.
You won't be bored.


New member
I routinely shoot from 50 yards to over 300, depending on the rifle and my mood.
We have blueberry fields that allow a 450 yard shot, limited by terrain. I often shoot offhand up to 300 yards at an old handgun metallic silhouette turkey target.


New member
If I only shot bench rest with optics, I'd be bored right away. However:

100 yards, standing, kneeling, sitting, prone - with peep sights..... enjoyed it back in my Navy days, and still enjoy it to this day. Whether I'm shooting a friend's Arisaka, my AR, or a .22.

Not boring to me!!! Plus, you don't have to walk as far to set up your target :D:D

Crow Hunter

New member
I would be bored before I even started just sitting at a bench shooting with the rifle on bags.

That is for sighting in/checking zero.

I much prefer field shooting positions if not actual field shooting.

If the landowner will allow it, set up a "jungle walk" or mixed distance targets in broken terrain.

Makes it much more interesting and useful for really learning how to shoot your gun.

TX Hunter

New member
I will try 200 yards standing next. I would also like to have some steel plates. Im using a mild handload in my 8mm that I make using 30 06 casings. Very plesant to shoot and good accuracy so far.
I can say that I did branch out and took a number of shots at my local gun club at 200 yards. I was curious and very well pleased to see I hit a one-inch target dot with my 45-70 as well as my 30-06. My goal was to prep for upcoming hunting season using new scopes on new rifles. My trick was that I had a fine, outstanding, young strapping buck along side and he's the one that walked all the way down & back with the paper & cardboard.


New member
I love 100 yards. Nothing more relaxing than shooting a .22LR at 100, taking your time for every shot and going for groups. Sometimes I find it amazing how accurate .22LR really is and frankly, how accurate I can be if I take my time. Doesn't hurt that it costs practically nothing.


+1 for the steel plates. I go to the railroad and just walk around, it's amazing all the stuff you'll find. I welded some chain to these tie plates and made swing targets from them. I also got this 1" thick rectangle that weighs probably 150lbs, nothing I have goes through it, lol.

TX Hunter

New member

Thats a good idea. Scrap Metal is high right now. Ive found some things i can buy cheaper than I can build due to the material cost. Love to have a Rifle Range, maby one day Lord Willing.


New member
That 5" armor plate gong I linked is $24 shipped (and there are a bunch of other options on ebay).

I am all for coming up with creative targets, but there is a lot to be said for something that is purpose built for the job, which is also dirt cheap.

Put that out at 200 yards (or farther) and shoot it all day without having to ever go downrange to set it back up, with instant feedback for hits. KLANG!


New member
I'm not bored with shooting at 100 yards on my range, but I just do load development for rifles for hunting critters. My objective is to get to nice tight groups (less than 3/4 inch will do for the bigger calibers and I want smaller for the 223 and 220). Once I've gone through load re-development for all rifles, I'll take them out to the back pasture and check them out at 200 and 300. Once that's done, I guess I'll have to get more rifles to tinker with.


New member

My sons and I never go to the 100 yard range (or their 200M) anymore- unless the wind is howling (no point going long range), or if it's strictly a trip for load development.

They got bored with it a year ago, now we make the 1:45 drive each way to shoot long range at the Manatee Gun Club.

While short range is fine for shooting basics (trigger control), it's impossible to learn to dope the wind and be able to shoot longer distances accurately- unless you practice it.

To each their own; some are happy just shooting groups and that's fine...
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Ideal Tool

Hello, TX Hunter. I used to shoot alot of 200yd. & bench..but that club died out. Now I am kind of stuck with a 100yd. max. range. There is 500yd. shilouettte range..but 90mi away. I have always been facinated with the long range matchs of the late 19th century, Creedmoor, Seagirt, Wimbledon, etc. & have books on this here is what I did. I used original dimensions of these old cast-iron 1000yd. targets..both the early square & later round bull & using a copier..reduced them 10 times for 100yd. shooting. The bull is 3.6". I shoot sling..just like original NRA rules, with a 1930's BSA martini match .22..thru irons, that bull looks like a pencil dot!...Have even been contemplating twisting my old carcas into one of them fancy Creedmoor back positions..have to watch out for toes!

TX Hunter

New member
Smokin Gun,

Thanks for the link, Im really interested in something like that. I dont know how I would measure up to competiton, but would really enjoy getting out on a range and shooting with others.
I would love to try some real Rifle Courses with my Mauser, and my 1903A3.
I think I could do better at distance with the Springfield,(actually Remington 1903 A3) It has really good sights. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. There is something about taking a Rifle out to distance that is exciting to me. :) I just wish my eyes were a a little better, I am thankfull however for the sight I do have.:)


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