anyone can own a 50 cal barret

Yes, and you can use a Lamborghini exclusively for trips to the grocery store three blocks away, buy why would you?

Interesting analogy. The Lamborghini owners at my kids' school use them as commuter vehicles and for taking their kids to and from school. There are few places you can go in the US to drive them to their capacity, legally.

People drive all sorts of vehicles that have unused capabilities, be they sportscars, trucks, sandrails, or sedans. I don't think the automotive analogy is a good one.

Just because something can be shot longer range, does not mean it is a waste to shoot shorter range. But let's say 1000 yards sounds really impressive. Is it really compared to the distance the gun can fire? No. People rarely fire their centerfire guns to their distance capacity.

BTW, I am a Barrett M82A1 owner.


New member
We can agree to disagree, but my position is still that buying a .50 BMG solely for a "100 yards or less" rifle is bordering on the moronic.

And I believe the automotive analogy is more apt than you're giving it credit for. In both cases, you have a very high initial purchase cost and high recurring costs (ammo for the rifle, and gas/maintenance for the Lamborghini). You're not using either one anywhere near its limits. And just as a .50 is heavy and has lots of muzzle blast, a Lamborghini is noisy and frankly, not a lot of fun to drive in stop-and-go traffic three blocks at a time.

I'm not saying that you have to push the envelope every time you drive (or shoot), but from the OP's earlier posts, it sounded like he only had a 100-yard range nearby, and was ambivalent about the rifle to begin with. Now that we know he's only a few miles from a facility with more options, that changes the calculus a bit.
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New member
I've fired several Barrett's and didnt find the recoil any worse than a 12 ga, as another poster noted above.

What you DON'T want to do is to have anyone else at the ~45 degree cone coming back from the muzzle brake for about 6-8 feet, which is a substantial wake up call.

They are truly a blast to shoot!


New member
There is a great place about 2 miles from my house where you can shoot a 50 cal. 2000 yards or better. Better yet you can drive your vehicle or atv out to where you want to set up your target.

As to the 50, its OK I guess. I shot a buddies and like others said, you have to reset your ear muffs after each shot. It's fun.

Not my cup of tea. I can get to just about any target with my 300 WM that my buddy can get with the 50 cal.

You can reload. You can go the cast bullet route. There are plenty of cheap 50 cal. bullets in the Black Powder section of your gun shop.

I'm not looking for one, but I wont say NEVER either. I have a lot of guns I've said I'd never buy. Guns have a tendency to make a liar out of me.


New member
Nothing beats shooting the 50 BMG bud! I have a Serbu BFG-50A and man, every time I pull the trigger I fall more and more in love with it! The 50 has more of a push than a jolt during recoil, my 338 lapua has a sharper recoil than the 50 BMG. I love that concussion wave produced, just awesome! Nothing compares in "Fun Factor" period! Also I recently picked up 150 rounds of API for about $350. You can find the deals, they are out there. Reload yourself and it's even cheaper. Good luck, Also if your serious about buying a 50 BMG check out the Serbu BFG-50A, It is 10lbs lighter, less recoil due to efficient muzzle brake, way more accurate, and about 1/2 the price of a Barrett M107. Serbu is also in florida