anyone can own a 50 cal barret

Willie Lowman

New member
As long as you don't live in a state that bans them.

Your location is listed as Florida. If that is where you are, the only thing holding you back is finding a place to shoot the thing and paying for the ammo.


New member in fl..we got a 300 ft range a cpl miles away..but im seeing ammo at about 10 bucks a rd on gbroker

idk..mayb the hype is cooler than actually owning one


New member
A .50 cal would be wasted on a 100-yard range; it's definitely a longer-distance weapon. Also, while .50 BMG ammo *is* expensive, it's usually not as bad as what you're seeing on Gunbroker. That's temporary madness brought on by the recent ammo shortage. Still, it's worth getting into reloading if you have a .50 BMG to feed.

Willie Lowman

New member
A friend of mine has one. I have fired it exactly three times. It wasn't the recoil that turned me off, it was the muzzle blast. I have no use for the things.


New member
Perfectly legal in FL. Nothing more than a really large centerfire rifle.

I'll echo what Willie said. The muzzle blast from those things hurts. It isn't so much the noise, it is the shockwave that hits you hard.

An EOD guy used his Barrett to shoot up a suspisious looking box of trash along side the road we were about to drive up, and standing next to him, I felt like I did after getting a concussion playing football in high school.

But, that being said, if you want one, go for it. This is America.


New member
its an oppurtunity thing that was offered to may never come to fruition but i wanted to know the score before i went along with it

i guess its got all the paperwerk/case/150 rds/ and a scope on it already

we will see if he shows up weds with it or not


New member
Nothing like it

I passed up an opportunity to grab a Barrett for a real good price last summer. I'm still kicking myself for not getting it. While the .50bmg seems impractical in the eyes of some, its like nothing else out there. Its legal for you to own it, do your best to get it and don't look back.

Also, a buddy of mine reloads his own rounds and he has cost down to something like $1.50-2.00 per round. Not bad at all IMHO.
A .50 cal would be wasted on a 100-yard range; it's definitely a longer-distance weapon.

No, it would not be wasted on a 100 yard range any more than any other rifle that shoots more than 100 yards. Yes, it is capable of more, but I don't know of any other centerfire rifles that aren't.

Barretts are fine enough rifles. Be sure that you buy one that will perform to your needs and don't just buy the name. You can find some other offerings that are comparable in prices and sometimes better in some regards, not always. My point is that Barrett isn't the only choice.


New member
No, it would not be wasted on a 100 yard range any more than any other rifle that shoots more than 100 yards. Yes, it is capable of more, but I don't know of any other centerfire rifles that aren't.

Yes, and you can use a Lamborghini exclusively for trips to the grocery store three blocks away, buy why would you?

With a .50 BMG, you have heavy, expensive rifles, expensive ammunition, lots of recoil and lots of muzzle blast. On the upside, you get a nice heavy bullet with a high ballistic coefficient, which makes it ideal for - that's right - long-distance shooting.

If I'm shopping for a "100 yard or less" rifle, the .50 BMG would be just about at the bottom of my list, and I don't think I'm way off-base here.


New member're SET...
You live in Myakka City, and don't know about the Manatee Gun Club?:eek:

1,000 yard range...and plenty of .50's there on the weekends especially.

We drive nearly two hours each way to shoot there. You have NO idea how fortunate you are...

M82 semi, or 95 bolt?


New member
If you don't have at least 800 yards to stretch its legs out with, it is not worth owning in my opinion. Preferably greater than 1000 yards. But now that I see the post above me, you have 1000 yards so go forth if you dare to pay the ammo prices for it.

100 yards, I could probably put as many .22 magnum or .17 HMR bullets as I wanted into the holes you make with a 50 cal barret at 100 yards.
Of course you could use it at 100 yards, but all you would really have is a very heavy very loud money burner.
Now if you were getting it with a really good deal and can find somewhere else to shoot it then go for your life.


Besides legality, you need to verify that there is at least one range in your area that will allow you to shoot it. It's not uncommon in this area for ranges to forbid the use of .50BMG rifles.


New member
Yes, and you can use a Lamborghini exclusively for trips to the grocery store three blocks away, buy why would you?

With a .50 BMG, you have heavy, expensive rifles, expensive ammunition, lots of recoil and lots of muzzle blast. On the upside, you get a nice heavy bullet with a high ballistic coefficient, which makes it ideal for - that's right - long-distance shooting.

If I'm shopping for a "100 yard or less" rifle, the .50 BMG would be just about at the bottom of my list, and I don't think I'm way off-base here.

Have you ever fired a barrett m82a2? I have there isn't near the recoil people think there is I know I used one for 5.5years now it is heavy and the muzzle blast sucks but there isn't a whole hell of a lot of recoil.


New member
Cool Acres Range

FCSA Match Competition there this weekend - 1000 yards.
Range is in Georgia.

Manatee is a good place.

Check for location of ranges and matches near you.


New member
50 cal.

dont run from the re-coil. i have a 12 gauge that kicks harder than the 2 50s i had a chance to shoot several times


New member
i was at the mantee range this weekend. i live 5 mi from there.
the gun in question has been offered as a trade. i havent seen it yet nor do i know anyhting about it except its a barrett 50 cal with 150 rds/scope/case
if he comes thru with it this week ill let yall know more.
ill shoot it and then decide if im gonna keep it or not.
idk..i really dont have a lot of int in it but that may change once i shoot it

stay in touch...
