Anybody Out There Hunting Big Game With Open Sights.

the blur

New member
I love my REM 7400 iron sites 30-06. I did put a scope on it, but it has rings to leave the iron sites visable. So the scope is mounted higher.

My shoulder doesn't like the 30 06 any more, but I like the dual setup.

Irish B

New member
I feel blind using a scope. If i was shooting a mtn goat from 600 yards away it'd have one but otherwise it's not really needed for the day to day hunting adventures


New member
I still take out my .303 Savage and .22 Hi-Power for doe hunting and they are open sights. In Pa. you have to count points on a buck and they have to be a certain length, so I can't trust my eyes with out a scope anymore to buck hunt.


New member
We've got a half dozen rifle that get deer hunting duties and only one wears a scope- and that one is an old 4X Bushnell. Haven't had any problem killing deer with them at 200-250 yards from field positions. I think there are several factors at work here.

Every firearm on the place is carefully zeroed with a specific load and we confirm zero before we hunt.

We have a good optometrist who understands the unique needs of the pistol shooter/iron sight hunter.

We practice from field positions/improvised rest positions.

Now that I've said all that, I'll probably miss a good deer at 75 feet this year ;)


New member
No scope on my shotgun, nor did I use one on my 30-30. Have a ground blind on a creek at Dads farm and one on mine, usual shot is like 30 yards or so. A scope would be in the way.


New member
The last antelope I shot was several years ago and I used a 45-70 with open sights. That hunt involved a lot of crawling and sneaking through the sagebrush, so the Marlin was real handy for that. I was anticipating the possibility of a real quick shot up close if I spooked one at the last second. It didn't work that way, but at 75 yards, the 45-70 worked real good. I can't remember why I didn't use my 30-30 instead. I guess I just thought it would be cooler to shoot an antelope with a 45-70. Anyway, it worked out fine.

I have carried my 30-30 a couple times when I took my son out hunting. Mostly I was just acting as a backup for him though and he was able to get the job done just fine with a scoped rifle. So it's been quite awhile since I actually pulled the trigger on big game with open sights. Every year though, I make a point of shooting both of my lever actions with the open sights, just to be sure I can still do it. I have to admit that the last couple years that the 8 X 11" sheet of paper just looks like a blur at 100 yards. I can't see any dot there at all. I just kind of aim at the center of the white blur. I am always amazed to walk down to the target and find all 5 shots within 3" or so of each other.


New member
I prefer to use a scope, trying to sight at something at 200 yards with open sights is a bit hard for my eyes, however I am not allowed to use a scope on my muzzleloader, so unless that changes I will be forced to use open sights at least during one season.


New member
I used to hunt the Mark Twain National Forest of souteast Missouri, and it was thick in the spots I hunted. I used open sights for a number of years, on the rifle I gave my son, (although it now has a scope on it)The different timber and terrain called for some close action and a scope would have been a nuisance probably. However now my eyesight is growing worse I like the scopes. I still shoot open sights, on my .22 lr.

Ideal Tool

(Quote "but if you centered the front, it was quite effective").
This is the great misconception about appature sights , after all these years...There is no "centering" needed, the human eye will automaticaly seek the most intense spot of light, which in this case is the center of hole in sight. All one needs to do (assuming the rifle is sighted in) is put the front sight where he wants the bullet to land.

That said, I too am a great fan of appature sights. Mike venturino wrote that a good vernier tang sight is like a 1X scope. It's kind of funny, I have an Axtel sharps chambered in .40-70 21/2". With cast bullets, I can hold groups in an inch at 100yd...Not always, but more times than not. Once in awhile, some hot-shot will come to range with latest whiz-bang boomer equiped with a scope more at home looking at solar system. He'll start to brag about his 2" groups, then turn to me and ask if I even hit paper with that smoke pole. His smirk fades when we go down range. What a hoot!


New member
Depends on the rifle I have in my hands at the time. Mosin Nagant or Marlin .30-30 have iron sights. .270 Win, .30-06, and .358 Winchester are all scoped. Just depends on the terrrain being hunted and my mood for the day.
Cornbush--Your tagline made me grin. (Best shot I ever made was by accident. :D)

When I was a punk kid, I didn't own anything but a 22 single shot. When deer hunting I borrowed a rifle from one of my older brothers. One of those rifles was a model 99 Savage in 30-30 and it had peep sights. Most of the time I couldn't hit the side of a barn with that thing, but when I was 16 I took that on a deer hunt with a friend. We found some deer in a canyon south of Craig Colorado. We saw one that we were sure was a buck, so my friend shot and missed, I shot and missed, he shot amd missed, and I shot and dropped the buck. It was probably 250 yards or more, and we were up on the rim of the canyon shooting down. My buddy muttered "gut shot." When we got down to that nice big 4 X 4 mulie, I had hit him right at the base of the neck, and the bullet pierced his back bone and come out his chest. I had just covered the front of the buck up with the front sight and squeezed off the shot. Way lucky. :D


New member
Haven't used a scope to hunt deer in almost 20 years. The years I did use one, I didn't need it. IMHO that if everyone worked on their gamesmanship / savy and spent more time on the range between seasons, the need for scopes on most big game would decline dramatically. This does not include those that must use them for vision issues . I also believe most would get more out of days in the field as well. I know I did. You do more" hunting" , looking and enjoying instead of just " sniping ". Most also take pride in getting them in close enough to take a responsibly ranged shot as well.
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New member
Love rifles with iron sights in foul weather and in the brush and when still hunting. The model 94 is my favorite. Fast handling and rapid cycling.

My up close eyesight isn't what it once was so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to use iron sights.

Use my scoped rifles when stand hunting and in areas where long shots are possible.


New member
There was a time when I would happily hunt with open sights out to 100 yards and out to 200 with a peep.

The old eyes aren't flexible enough for an open sighted rifle any more, although I'd still shoot a peep if the distance wasn't too great.

I still hunt turkeys with open fiber optic sights, but the range is 40 yards or less and it's a shotgun.

Deja vu

New member
I think a lot depends on where you hunt. If you hunt in areas with lots of trees and brush, so that you cant see real far a scope is pretty useless.

I have taken deer in Alabama with open sights. That said the deer in Alabama are not as big as the ones here in Idaho.


New member
Great Topic:) Last yr was the 1st time I shot a deer without a scope. I had just purchased an unused Model 94 Commerative 1869-1969 edition. Not tapped for a scope on this old boy..but has a hooded front sight.

My other model 94 is 20yrs old and is tapped for a scope..and so I mounted a Bushnell fixed 4X on it 20yrs ago and it certainly does the task. I think it depends on the individual and their skills. I just do better with a scope than I do without and that is more humane for the Deer I am taking. My brother..he is a natural crack shot. He nailed a buck in an open field at 170yds looking and facing straight at him. My brother was standing up without any prop for his open sighted Model 94 chanbered in 356 Win and he nailed it right between the eyes on the snout. A small pin hole going in and no exit wound. Blood was comming from the eyes, nose and mouth..I never seen anything like fact, it completely flipped the buck over. Luck..I don't know..but it was the best and most unlikely shot I've seen thus far:eek: