Anybody notice odd things at gunshows recently?


New member
The only really odd thing I saw at a gun show (this was about two years ago)was a guy that looked EXACTLY like Adolph frikken Hitler selling Nazi memorabilia.

i saw that same goofball at a southern illinois gun show last year. i remember my cousin and i were gawking at him. he had a mad look on his face as he tried to work his way through a crowd that wasn't moving fast enough for him...and he did look a lot like Adolf, but just about a foot


New member
The last show I went to had no reloading stuff at all, wanted some primers and powder and there was done being sold in the whole show WHY?????:confused: But never saw that many dealers selling guns in that show before :)


New member
..but why are ammo cans selling so well?

two different guys i know, both well up on gun scene news, have said that there is talk of ammo cans being banned because of something to do with child safety ...???? ***:rolleyes::rolleyes:
i wouldn't expect either of them to make crap up, but i have yet to see or hear any info about some "ammo can ban" from any other sources.


New member
I always notice odd things at gunshows. If only the people. Just kidding : ) The last few shows I attended had more tables filled with trinkets than guns. Attending a show that had the opposite would indeed be odd :)


New member
Several years ago already, I heard that military units were crushing ammo cans for some reason and there was talk of a shortage.

Ammo cans are great...............for storing ammo, among other things. And maybe people are stashing ammo.


QUOTE: Ammo cans are great...............for storing ammo, among other things. And maybe people are stashing ammo.

I use ammo cans to store ammo but I was told some were being bought and shipped overseas. The result, the surplus cans are now being crushed and then scrapped to prevent use by others.


New member
Gun show in Belleville IL this past weekend... bought 10 VERY NICE shape ammo cans for only $6 each. They look like they just came off the front line yesterday. No rust, no bad smell, labels on their sides that the paper hasn't even been scratched off yet.

BUT MAN, WAS IT CROWDED! What a feeding frenzy. Couldn't move there were so many people in the aisles. I stocked upon stuff people weren't interested in... :) Some primers, another 8 pound keg of 4350, .300WM brass, actually found a guy that had reloading dies for my .243 WSSM, Breakfree CLP, more cotton swabs for cleaning various calibers, a couple packs of targets, some .22 caliber pellets for my Beeman. I was happy to see those things hadn't gone up.

AR's were higher and going fast. Lowers were gone, but the parts sets were still available. But they're proud of'em.

Another show in Lindendale park in Highland IL this coming weekend. Gotta go just to watch the people. :)