Anybody notice odd things at gunshows recently?


New member
As one who's been interested in gun and knife shows, flea markets and general people watching since the 1950s I've noticed a few differences recently. I would wonder if these are generally seen or just a product of the shows I've visited. Or a product of my imagination? :confused:

First of all there are more people setting up tables, long tables to be exact, which carry nothing but replacement magazines at excessive prices. I can see charging an arm and a leg for hard to get vintage mags, but not for USA mags and 10 round AR mags.

There was an initial shortage of ARs and now there seems to be a flood of them, at higher prices, but with a lot of private citizens selling them as well. There are more preban low serial number ARs than I recall seeing in a long time. But parts have essentially vanished, especially things like antiwalk hammer pins, stock screws and retainer springs.

There are more Garands and M1 carbines than I ever recall but the guys I talk to about them don't seem to be collectors at all. Every now and then you'll see somebody who knows them but not at all like you used to.

The supply of cheap commie guns hit a peak a few months ago which rivaled the mid 1990s and seems to be sharply diminishing. Good ammo is harder to find but there are some people selling tons of corrosive commie ammo. And like the supply of commie guns, the supply of cheap commie pocket knives and mall ninja stuff seems to be drying up as well.

On the other hand there are more custom knife makers and suppliers than I've ever seen before. Down in Birmingham last month there were even people selling billets of damascus steel for knifemaking. Some shows, not just gunshows but arts and crafts shows and cultural festivals, have so many knives that it would seem the knifemakers could make a go of setting up a knife-only show.


New member
Went to a gun show today in Birmingham, AL. I didn't really look at the AR mags, but the Mini-14 mags I saw were a steal. I wish I could have dumped a hundred bucks on them.


New member
There are more Garands and M1 carbines than I ever recall but the guys I talk to about them don't seem to be collectors at all. Every now and then you'll see somebody who knows them but not at all like you used to.

The guys who really knew these guns used or serviced them in the military. Unfortunately, these guys are starting to die off.

B. Lahey

New member
One super-awesome change is that the obese skinheads with tables full of replica hitler youth knives and copies of "The Turner Diaries" seem to have gone extinct in my area. I haven't seen one in years, anyway.

Good riddance, I hope they all choked to death trying to eat a kosher hotdog too fast.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

1. Obama doesn't go after guns

2. The economy continues to tank -->

It will be used gun heaven at the shows about 6 months from now.
I am so hoping for used gun heaven. Espeially since I really want to pick up is surplus bolt guns. If all those semi-autos get dumped I have to believe bolt gun prices will fall sharply also.


New member
The only really odd thing I saw at a gun show (this was about two years ago)was a guy that looked EXACTLY like Adolph frikken Hitler selling Nazi memorabilia.

I was looking at this guy and he saw me just staring at him kind of in disbelief and the look on his face was chilling to the bone.

I'm not Jewish or anything but it was something.

And he had the best selection of Nazi stuff at the show.

If you're wondering,I admire the craft of the stuff from the era,not the message.


New member
The Wanenmacher's Tulsa Arms Show back in Oct. of 2008 sure had a bunch of tables piking AR Mags and full ARs and uppers and lowers. All at new higher prices then a few Months back. Also lots of other older military rifles also at high prices. There also was AK&SASs on tables prices were higher also.

Yes plenty of bulk Russian Ammo. on many tables. Not in my firearms.

There was this Ammo. Mfg. BVAC Inc. from Florence Mt. they had some nice .223 Ammo. at IMHO good prices. I have since ordered from them and got great service and plain UPS prices no special Insurance and Haz.Mat charges.

There is another show in Tulsa on Jan.24/25, I am going to see what it will look like.:rolleyes:

Willie D

New member
Aside from SKSs, milsurp prices haven't moved much. You might even get one for less than the asking price - they probably aren't moving too fast with everyone else blowing their wad on ARs and AKs.

Tucker 1371

New member
Aside from SKSs, milsurp prices haven't moved much. You might even get one for less than the asking price - they probably aren't moving too fast with everyone else blowing their wad on ARs and AKs.

Same experience here, you know those AKs with the cheap wood stocks that used to go for around $350 to $400, I watched some guy buy one for $650:eek:. I was nothing short of amazed.


New member
The only "odd" thing I saw at my last gun show was that ammo cans were flying out of there.

The show opened at 9am. I got there at 920 or so and waited in line for 45 minutes to get in. As I stood in line watching people exit the show, I saw guys walk out with dollys loaded with empty ammo cans. By the time I made it in and worked my way through every thing, there were 3 ammo cans left in the whole freakin' show. My buddy and I bought 2 of them and there was literally a line of people waiting for the last ammo can behind us.


New member
The last one I attended I noticed more knife booths, tons of ammo cans, little pistol ammo, more assault type rifles and a new guy with a hugh area full of German/Nazi stuff; from movie dvds, to t-shirts, caps, flags, posters, etc. I was looking for ammo and grips, but didn't see much compared to past shows. I left empty handed.


New member
A guy that looked like Freakin A.H. selling fascist stuff? Weird. That is probably one reason that they don't allow photography in the gunshows. One good picture like that in the paper and whoever owns the venue will probably cease doing gunshows with that kind of publicity!


New member
Last one I went to nothing really odd. There were more dealers there than I have ever seen at a local show. Dealers I never have seen at that show before, they had to at least drive 3 to 4 hours.

The clientele was also more mixed than usual. The increase in woman attending had to be up by 100%. Most was in the 40’s and above and with their husbands but I have never seen that strong of a showing of woman at a show.

One thing I was surprised about was the numbers of AR they had there. I keep hearing shops being sold out of them and how hard they are to get. There were more there than any there other shows.

The thing that bothers me is people selling items that do not belong at a gun shows. Household cleaning products, eye glass cleaning products…etc…


New member
The new deal

Something that has changed in Tulsa is the fairgrounds where the firearm shows are held, have always been County land. Well the City of Tulsa has annexed the land and now being inside the City we must now pay City sales tax. Another thing our new Democrat Mayor Kathy Taylor wants to stop anyone except FFL dealers from selling firearms at the shows. Meaning non FFL owners who used to bring their firearms to sell can't do it on fairground land.:mad:


New member
The only really odd thing I saw at a gun show (this was about two years ago)was a guy that looked EXACTLY like Adolph frikken Hitler selling Nazi memorabilia.

Odd. Very odd.

Why do they frequent gunshows anyway? Don't they understand that gunshows are used to promote the ideals of liberty and individuality?, not the other way.


New member
while nazism is in the extreme, its roots are rightwing. Most firearms owners in the United States are conservative by nature, and while not anti-individualist, are given to convention and traditional mores./// The best firearms site on the 'net that I have visited turned out to be an extreme rightwing group that had no use for sp***s, n*****s, kikes (I am Jewish), and other untermenschen...,BUT they had the best technical information on the 'net. I cannot recall the site address, but I will revisit it (somehow) to get some top-drawer information. The bent of its occupants was unmistakable as they were without compunction. So the sighting of a fuehrer facsimile does not surprise me. Nothing to worry about - the fellow who has that all-American look that embraces nazism is the person to watch.

chin up, mate.

- JKHolman


New member
Inflated prices, for sure. Also noticing the ammo cans in any kind of decent shape disappearing quickly. Lots of junk, lots of surplus stuff that was too old 20 years ago selling for premium prices. A ton of cheap chinese optics and knock-off imitation accessories.

And I have to echo the sentiment that there's a strange mix of people at the shows nowadays. Lots of new faces, some kind of scary (complete with shaved heads and lots of tattoos). Some of us are glad we acquired our 7.62X39 ammo 18 years ago when it was $69 for an 1100 round case in 550 round battlepacks... and .308 Brazilian surplus was $89 for 1K cases. (Real) mil-spec 30 round AR mags for $8 (way pre-Clinton) and 30 round 10-22 high quality mags for $10. I'd hate to be in stock-up mode these days.

Too bad I had to sell it all during a divorce years ago.