Anybody else displeased with the trend in American Hangunner's Ayoob Files?


New member
FIRST: This is NOT an Ayoob bashing thread. There are plenty here who hate the guy for whatever reason they may have. That is NOT what this is about.

I have long been a fan of The Ayoob Files in AH. I find them interesting and educational. I believe I am seeing a trend though and I don't think I like it... The trend is dusting off scenarios from before living memory of anyone alive today. On occasion I can see this but it seems to be happening more and more. The latest issue has an incident from several hundred years ago (REALLY!) for crying out loud.

I agree people who do not study history are doomed to repeat it but can we try to focus a little more on CURRENT issues, at least from the last 30 years? Every issue I have waited to see an analysis of the Tyler Texas shooting that gained widespread attention where Mark Wilson used a lawfully carried firearm to slow down a deranged attacker on the steps of a court house. The attacker had a vest on and killed Wilson but the exchange gave the authorities time to react and saved at least one life according to the police. Or there was the rampage mall shooter in Tacoma, WA where a CCW holder challenged the shooter and because of his hesitation from the challenge wound up shot and paralyzed (last I heard) for his troubles. Both of these were incidents and scenarios foremost in the minds of most CCW holders and subscribers but instead we are treated to tales of Pat Garrett and the Renaissance. Neither of those incidents have gotten any attention in the Ayoob Files.

I think Mr. Ayoob should focus most of his efforts on current incidents. An occasional trip into the ancient past makes sense for basic principals but should account for no more than 10% at most if it is pre-living memory given the amount of recent relevant incidents available.

Perhaps I am just perceiving more of these ancient articles than there are since they stand out so much in my memory. I would appreciate others' comments. I would not presume to ask Mr. Ayoob to respond in this forum but I do hope he reads this and at least takes it into account as a reader, and fan's, opinions. Ayoob Files are my favorite section of AH and this month's one has particularly let me down and prompted this post. I haven't even finished this month's column because I was so put off by it...


New member
1. He can read it here because he does frequent this forum.

2. Perhaps I am alone in this train of thought and others feel different. If there is my one post and a bunch of others disagreeing with me it would mean something to him. Likewise if there are a bunch of posts agreeing with me.

What I do not know, and would like to know, is what others think about this.
As a good suggestion, Lee, Mas Ayoob is also a member here. Posting this on a board like this might prompt other members to follow suit to your suggestion.

The only thing I can think of is if Ayoob has had a load of other duties/obligations recently that has hindered time for him to research the current events thoroughly. If this is the case, I would give some slack. Nothing more irritating than a journalist forming their own conclusions before spending the time to research all the angles.


New member
I agree with the OP ... Dillinger's been dead a long time ... I much prefer his looks at current or recent cases, where there's a lesson in how to handle yourself during a shooting and afterwards ...


New member
I have no problem with history but I do notice that wheel lock horse pistols are not generally on the cover of American Handgunner or featured as effective personal defense weapons in the 21st century (or 20th, or 19th...). Some trips down memory lane work, the discussion of the attempt on Truman's life for example, others seem a little weak in my opinion in trying to tie them to the magazine's intent.

Next Month, The Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand! A study in car jacking.

Seriously though, I do consider the section my favorite in the mag which is why I am concerned.


New member
I have just finished his article about William the silent,Prince of orange. I found it quite interesting, especially the part about attempts at controlling these weapons and how sane people living at that time also where aware that gun control laws only effect the law abiding. take care.


New member
Aww, well wait a little longer and things will probably turn back around to your liking. I am sure he has plenty of modern material to work with when he gets back into it. Patience. Another virtue to be stressed to the yoofs of today, eh, Soc?


New member
Thomas Paine's Common Sense is every bit as relevent today as it was when it was written, only difference now is that it describes DC's misdeeds rather than London's.

B. Lahey

New member
When you get right down to it, nothing has changed. Those old stories are still worth examining because people today carry devices that expel projectiles for the purpose of self-defense just like they did 200 years ago. Sure, now you get more than one shot and the projectiles have changed somewhat, but the basic concepts are identical.

What worked 200 years ago works today.


I found his last article pretty interesting......even though it was a history lesson.

Whats wrong with it being a history lesson?:)

Next Month, The Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand! A study in car jacking.

There are lessons to be learned about security, ballistics and self defense from that incident...with all the scenarios you guys love :D you would think that one like that would be real intersting...

Hey Mas, you watching, do that one ;)..I'll help you with the research....

Did you all know that Franz Ferdinand, who was self consious of his portliness, was sewn into his uniform...would the shot have been fatal under modern circumstances......????

Stay tuned:D

WildsantayanaAlaska TM


New member
1. He can read it here because he does frequent this forum.

Even though we're all (including myself) guilty of it at times, complaining to those not in a position to do something about it is useless.

As far as the "trend" goes, I've enjoyed some of the "history lessons" in the Ayoob Files, though, like you, I prefer the lessons and events in the present day.


New member
Did you all know that Franz Ferdinand, who was self consious of his portliness, was sewn into his uniform...would the shot have been fatal under modern circumstances......????

No, I didn't know that WildAlaska, and I don't know if it would have been fatal under modern circumstances or not.:D

Jim March

New member
I don't have a problem with the "history lessons". Ayoob has done some very careful blow-by-blow accounts of scenes that are well-known to the point of being legendary: the Miami '86 FBI shootout and all the way back to the OK Corral and beyond.


New member
I actually prefer the historical pieces. Shootout at the OK Corral, John Dillinger, etc. The modern ones are good, too, but I'm a history buff, not a cop.

Tim Burke

New member
I like the historical pieces, too. I find the points made are every bit as pertinent as the ones in the more current episodes.

Frank Ettin

I agree that there's a lot to be learned from history. Sometimes (in fact quite often) it's not about the latest in guns, equipment, etc. It's about the tactical considerations presented by the situation, the choices available and how people respond under stress.