Any R51 updates?


New member
How is it possible to get a few prototypes to run flawlessly, then not be able to get the manufacturing process to be able to put out functional products? Obviously the prototypes were hand-tuned, but is it that hard to set modern manufacturing specs to approximate hand-finished results? Or, is the problem that in doing so the cost is driven up substantially, such that the R51 is no longer at a competitive price point?


New member
Maybe they didn't run flawlessly, or to run decently the manufacturing process had to be at a level they could not achieve at that price point?


New member
How is it possible to get a few prototypes to run flawlessly, then not be able to get the manufacturing process to be able to put out functional products? Obviously the prototypes were hand-tuned, but is it that hard to set modern manufacturing specs to approximate hand-finished results? Or, is the problem that in doing so the cost is driven up substantially, such that the R51 is no longer at a competitive price point?
You pretty much sum up what happened with the first generation of the R51. The engineers, and production people built a good, workable design. Then before it hit the public market, the bean counters cut corners to bring the price point to where they wanted it without enough further testing to insure the changes didn't effect operation.
I saw one of the early models. It looked good, felt good, and was quite interesting. I didn't get the chance to shoot one, but I am still interested in getting one of the new ones. It may replace my Kahr CM9, but may just be another of my just interesting things that go boom.


New member
got mine back July 11th

Just got the e-mail from Remington announcing that R51 will be back on the gun store shelves by Aug 12th. You can check it out on their web site.


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New member
They're reusing frames; I wonder if they're just gonna push out however many returned guns won't be going back to the original owners due to their opting for a refund/exchange, and end the product line there?


New member
Well, at this point, no one can say the v2 was rushed into production.
They were rushed into production. They're still having issues with quality/function stemming from general cheapness...


New member
Then before it hit the public market, the bean counters cut corners to bring the price point to where they wanted it without enough further testing to insure the changes didn't effect operation.

Perhaps not bean counters, I doubt Remington is organized enough to even count its beans properly at this point. Proper bean counters count the beans spilled by stupid decisions. Probably something more along the lines of;

<Program manager> We can allocate $5 Million for this effort, and eight months
<Program engineer> But we need $6 Million and a year...that's what the bid we gave you said, right?
<Program manager> Yeah, well we only have five mill and eight months
<Program engineer> What?!
<Upper management> Actually we should anticipate next quarter's earnings report will get you guys dropped to 4.5 and we need completion as soon as possible to bolster the numbers
<Both> What?!
<Program engineer> So I guess we won't be doing this program, then--
<Upper management> --Oh, we're doing it! I already issued the internal memo to the shareholders!
<Program manager> ...We'll work something out; the production group wasn't invited to this meeting, but I'm sure we can work something out with them...where's the number for that guy who took over production for the 870 line?

Dum-dum-dummmm... ...mmmmmb.



New member
If you're there you want to scream !
Sales ..We'll have it in a month.
Production.. We'll have it in two months.
We engineers said with lots of weasel words ..We really think that if we look at all the little details we might have it in three months !!! :mad:


New member
I would wait a good solid year after bulk sales started before purchasing one. Never volunteer to be a beta tester with your own money.
Have my cabbage stashed. All set to be a G2 beta tester.

Does not worry me in the slightest. If it works... Great is exactly what I am looking for in a single stack 9mm Carry piece.

If its a dog... In the safe it goes, With a note not to fire or sell it.
Some great grand kid will get a valuable pass me down.
If they screw the pooch on this one. They wont be trying it again.

I really wish I had a G1 in the safe right now. Guys are going to find out the trade for the 1911 was not a good deal in the long run.
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New member
I'm not sure what turns everybody on about this R51? It looks like garbage, functions even worse, and is manufactured by a company that has just gone completely off the cliff since its acquisition.


New member
I'm not sure what turns everybody on about this R51? It looks like garbage, functions even worse, and is manufactured by a company that has just gone completely off the cliff since its acquisition.

I actually don't think it looks bad, but looks are subjective. To an extent I have some interest in that in 70 handguns I'm getting tired of Browning tilting barrel designs. They survived because they work and are relatively easy to produce, but this is an industry where spending for the sake of it exists and boredom is a thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
Saw one of these in the local Academy Thursday (7/28/16). Looks and feels good but couldn't try the trigger with those darned trigger locks. Really hoping for some good reviews from you phase 2 beta testers !!


New member
Orsogato, That is why we have Chevy's and Fords so we can go around calling the one we do not like "garbage". I have an order in for a R 51 when my dealer can find one, why? Because it is just different enough to get me perked up about shooting another small 9mm, that is why I purchased a Sig P 938 and certainly have no regrets.
I purchased a RM 380 a year or so ago and found it to be an interesting close in pistol that can easily be carried in a pocket. Several hundred rounds an total reliability, what more could i ask for?
I try to keep the despairing remarks to a minimum and (except for hi point) buy the individual firearm and am not dissuaded by general negative comments. I own several Remington R 1 pistols, the RM 380, two Bushmasters a couple of DPMS rifles and a Handi in 300 Blackout, all Remington acquisitions I believe and top quality firearms to me.