Any R51 updates?


New member
Is there any late breaking news about the R51s? Or is Remington just hoping that all the owners will just dry up and blow away?


New member
Makes me want to drop some hard earned cash on a Remington product.

Humor me....If you sent an R51 back to Remington, who is holding your money right now, you or Remington?
I'm still hoping that they are successful in bringing this gun to market.

I just can't imagine why it's taken so very long to get it right, though.


New member
Honestly, I don't know who would still buy a new Remington product at this point.

By now, their whole market base has to be people who have never used the internet or done any product research whatsoever before making a purchase.

It's a shame, because my early '90s Remingtons are such fine firearms (my 11-87 Premiere Light Countour is still my go-to dove gun, and my 700 still sees deer duty).


New member
Mike Irwin said:
I'm still hoping that they are successful in bringing this gun to market.

I just can't imagine why it's taken so very long to get it right, though.

Ditto. I was hoping they could make a go of it. I'd still be interested in trying one. I fear, however, the continued relative silence does not bode well for it.

Fishbed77 said:
Honestly, I don't know who would still buy a new Remington product at this point.

By now, their whole market base has to be people who have never used the internet or done any product research whatsoever before making a purchase.

Big Green has always done right by me. Even when my 105 CTi II (and if you want a failed product from Remington, there you have one) busted a part they fired up the production line and made some, sending me one for free.

Besides, Taurus still has their enthusiasts too, as do other gunmakers who have indeed had very problematic products. Sometimes it's just luck of the draw (or the lack thereof).


New member
Remington still waiting for the results coming back from the new beta testers group
(not us the old group) :D
Just so happened that I post the similar question on another forum...
2016 is just begin, just wait, we'll get them back someday...:rolleyes:


New member
Big Green has always done right by me. Even when my 105 CTi II (and if you want a failed product from Remington, there you have one) busted a part they fired up the production line and made some, sending me one for free.

Making a quality product and offering good customer support are two entirely different things altogether.

And there are plenty of firearms companies that can do both on a consistent basis.


New member
I am anxiously waiting for the R 51 to reapear and have the opportunity to shoot it. Unlike the bashers I choose to evaluate each purchase I make individually rather than condeming the company as a whole for the failures of one item. Of the many Remington products i have in the rack I am happy to say mine are satisfying my needs 100 %. Recently I had occasion to shoot the RM 380 and other than being a bit ugly it too performed admirably without failures and displayed reasonable accuracy .
So once again I am waiting to try out the R51 and see for myself whether it should have a permanent home within my safe.


New member
Unlike the bashers I choose to evaluate each purchase I make individually rather than condeming the company as a whole for the failures of one item.

It's not bashing if you have empirical and experiential data to back up the statements. That said, as mentioned earlier, I own and have owned quite a few quality Remington products over the years. Some of my favorite firearms I own are Remingtons.

But considering the recent examples of the 700, R51, various "Remlin" Marlin products, the recent 870 Express chamber cut problems that still have not been remedied (seriously - an unreliable pump shotgun?!?) and the general and easily-seen declining quality of fit and finish on legacy products like the 700, 870, 1100, 11-87, etc., it's not hard to see that Cerberus-owned Remington is a company moving in the wrong direction.

You may choose to reward that corporate attitude with your money.

I choose not too.

That's not to say a company can't turn things around. But I have yet to see any good indication that Remington has. And even if they do, it will take them a while to earn back a positive reputation with many folks.

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James K

Member In Memoriam
Fishbed77 wrote "Making a quality product and offering good customer support are two entirely different things altogether."

Not entirely different. If a company makes a top quality product (in any business), they won't need much customer support. (The Maytag repairman was tongue-in-cheek, but with a lot of truth; the products were excellent and service was rarely needed. Some of their clothes washers lasted 25 years or more!)

But if a company makes poor quality products (or turns out a few lemons), they will need a lot of customer service; customer service then falls behind, buried in the mass of complaints, with predictable results.



New member
"Remington put the models back on their product pages."

Hmmm . . . Ford listed the Edsel for a while as well . . . .

There's one thing my Dad always taught me . . . isn't any use to beat a dead horse 'cause it ain't going to go nowhere . . .

I hope Remington can pull their big boy pants up and get it right . . . but the only Remington I will buy now is a vintage one . . . 'cause I know they were quality. Today's Remingtons? Maybe if they get rid of the bean counters and go back to building a "quality" product and back it up with customer service . . . they might pull it off. If not . . . too many other good makes out there That produce a quality product and offer customer service.


New member
Not entirely different. If a company makes a top quality product (in any business), they won't need much customer support.


But if they make a high-quality product that you want to continue using for many rounds/years, is nice to have good customer (and overall product) support as well to make maintenance easier.
You know the rules right???
Its one I want and since I am now tapped out on gun buying funds.
They are surely going to release a small amount of them to gauge the market.

I am tapped out so it has to be a done deal.
the R51 will come out and a Lever gun in 327 magnum will appear.
Thems the rules.