Any Law Enforcement Agency use the Springfield XD?

B. Lahey

New member
If Springfield's products were so inferior, their sales and satisfied customers would be few and far between.

You're right, nobody ever managed to sell a large number of crappy guns before. :rolleyes:

That would require, like, advertising or something. Lots of it. And a very cheap product that you could sell for a tremendous profit to fund all that advertising. Of course that's not what's going on, SA doesn't advertise, do they? And there couldn't be much profit in selling plastic Croatian imports for $500+ a pop...

As for customer satisfaction, people don't know what a good gun is. There are millions of satisfied Bersa and Taurus owners. Selling lots of cheap, junky guns without many complaints doesn't mean it's a good gun, it means Americans can't tell the difference between a quality product and a cheap piece of garbage.

It's why people shop at Walmart. It's why SA is one of the most successful importers on the American market.


New member
XDs as a siderarm for PDs

LEAs consider many things when they adopt a handgun for duty use:

5.Will the handgun work for males and females.
6. The handguns track record.

Sure politics will have some issue, but all the above have to be considered carefully. This is why the Glock .9mm and .40 caliber pistols have about seventy percent of the LE market, with Sig Sauer and others filling in the gap. Administrators are reluctant to switch guns, when a issued pistol continues to do the job effectively.


New member
Picture yourself as the head of a police department and someone shows you a Springfield XD. OK, its nice, lots of safeties, accurate, comfortable. On the other hand, nobody has been complaining they can't do their jobs because they carry Glocks, trading guns cost a significant amount of money, in addition to the actual price difference of new vs. used guns, and HS2000s have barely existed for 10 years? What if they fall apart in 20? No thanks.


If I'm looking for a good gun I am not looking for a Glock. They only make the cut at "better than nothing."


New member
Shortly after that in 1974 the name was adopted by Robert Reese as he formed a company called Springfield Inc. in Geneseo ILL. He started it because he loved the M14 and formed his company to manufacture a semi-automatic version of the M14 rifle.

I thought I read that he started it in Texas 1st, then moved to IL?