Any Law Enforcement Agency use the Springfield XD?


New member
Out of no where thread...I just realized today that I have never seen any LE agency that use the Springfield's XD line handgun as duty pistol, although I am not a big XD fan, I just find it strange that a successful handgun in the civilian market have no place in the LE community.

Anyone here know that any agency that use XD in the CONUS?


I've seen several officers of the Plano, TX police department with XDs in their holsters. Then again, I've also seen a few with 1911s, so I'm not sure what the "standard issue" is, but the XD is obviously at least "approved for duty" w/ Plano PD.

Seems to me I've seen 'em in cops' holsters in a few other places in the CONUS as well, but I've road tripped so many states lately I honestly can't remember where I saw 'em.


New member
I just find it strange that a successful handgun in the civilian market have no place in the LE community.

Why is that strange? There are MANY, MANY, firearms that are popular in the civilian market that don't have a place in the LE community.

But to answer your question. There are several police officers that I know that carry the XD. I do believe it is Approved, but not Issued... If that makes sense. They did buy the officers the guns. But that was not the standard they had on hand at the station house.

Here is my big issue with people knocking the XD because it is not as popular (yet) than the almighty glock. 1st... glock as a company didn't start making guns until 1979 or 1980. Before that they made plastic shovels and such. Springfield has only and always made guns.
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New member
Very few, No large force I have seen issues them, some do approve them. I have seen only 1 leo with an XD. But even in the departments that allow you to carry whatever, I have not seen any XD's. Lots of Glocks and older Smith's.

A local large security service, the type that is hired to protect power plants and large industrial complex's issues Xd-9's to its officers and "tactical" team.

B. Lahey

New member
Springfield has only and always made guns.

You know that the company that calls itself SA is not the same entity that made arms for the US government, right?

They have only been around since the 1970s and they are primarily an importer. They have gun companies in Brazil and Eastern Europe make guns with their logo on them, and then use good old American marketing to sell them.

Springfield makes very few guns, they are just a name used to sell imports.


New member
You know that the company that calls itself SA is not the same entity that made arms for the US government, right?

Sure Springfield Armory was started at the call of George Washington himself in 1777. It sits on a hill overlooking the Connecticut. In 1974 the gov. decided to make our own weapons instead of importing them, so SA was born along with its “twin” Harpers Ferry.

In 1968 the DOD closed SA as an official arms manufacturer, and it became a museum ran by the National Park Service. Part of it is a technical college I believe.

Shortly after that in 1974 the name was adopted by Robert Reese as he formed a company called Springfield Inc. in Geneseo ILL. He started it because he loved the M14 and formed his company to manufacture a semi-automatic version of the M14 rifle.

Since then … it is now owned and ran by Reese's sons I believe, manufactures a lot of firearms under the Springfield Armory name.

Now I believe they use parts from Imbel…


New member
In my academy class of 60ish, there were 2 that carried XDs, they were both quality pistols all around.


New member
Reports from the LE/mil community are that the XDs haven't done as well as hoped in various tests. There have been rather significant parts breakages. Combined with SA's policy on parts (you send the gun back to get SA to install anything that needs to be done), and it's a nonstarter. I've heard the SA policy is changing, but it's probably too late. Any market share the XD could have gotten has been snapped up by the M&P.


New member
Police departments buy in quantity and get quantity prices.

If SA wants police business, they have to be the low bidder, among other things.

As with most local government contracts, there is a certain amount of political meddling in the awarding of contracts that may also negatvely impact SA.


New member
buzz knox

Reports from the LE/mil community are that the XDs haven't done as well as hoped in various tests. There have been rather significant parts breakages.

Can you post some links or something to this info? I would love to research it.


"If SA wants police business, they have to be the low bidder"....

You mean like glock?
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B. Lahey

New member
So you knew that the advertising company known as Springfield Armory is only a few years older (at most) than Glock, and that they have "made" hardly any handguns, yet you still said:

1st... glock as a company didn't start making guns until 1979 or 1980. Before that they made plastic shovels and such. Springfield has only and always made guns.

That doesn't make much sense.

At least Glock makes guns themselves, and they are a quality product. I hate them, but they are a fine handgun, shovel company or not. SA has very little experience making any quality product except rifles. When it comes to handguns they are just a marketing firm for inferior products from Croatia and Brazil.


New member
So you knew that the advertising company known as Springfield Armory is only a few years older (at most) than Glock, and that they have "made" hardly any handguns, yet you still said:

Yes because it is true. Either the original SA or Springfield inc, make anything besides guns and firearm related items...?


New member
Can you post some links or something to this info? I would love to research it.

The reports aren't apparently publicly available, but I believe you can get the fundamentals from Dr. Gary Roberts on He's been involved in the testing and discussed the results in some threads.


New member
Not to hijack the thread but....
speaking of LEO and XD's, a funny little story. the other day I was in a gander mountain and there was a young guy (probably not quite old enough to own a pistol) asking a few questions about an XD. the clerk totally blew him off so I answered his question. he than tells me "I'm going to be an officer soon too, and they told me to go pick out a pistol"
I was literally speechless at this ridiculous statment, the kid must have sensed I thought he was an idiot becuse he just walked away. when we got in the car I told my wife I had no idea why he said he was going to be an officer "too" she pointed out my shirt which was a CSI vegas shirt my inlaws had bought me at the CSI resteraunt and we just started laughing.


New member
I heard the Chicago Police Department uses the XD

Have you actually seen it? If so the CPD would be the largest I have ever heard of. Issued or authorized?

I say the same for the glock company...

Well you'd be wrong! ;) but don't worry, I'm sure its not the first time you've been wrong. :D

Any market share the XD could have gotten has been snapped up by the M&P.

Here too I was actually surprised how few M&P's I have actually seen. Lots of older Smith's but very few M&P's. Who issues it? Or is it just "authorized" for use?


New member
Reports from the LE/mil community are that the XDs haven't done as well as hoped in various tests. There have been rather significant parts breakages. Combined with SA's policy on parts (you send the gun back to get SA to install anything that needs to be done), and it's a nonstarter. I've heard the SA policy is changing, but it's probably too late. Any market share the XD could have gotten has been snapped up by the M&P.

Bingo, Buzz. I haven't personally seen broken XD's but you're pretty much dead-on with the parts issue. I qualified one of my guys on a XD40 but we don't issue duty gear for it, nor do we maintain it. Like a lot of folks he has elected to carry it off-duty, and leave his G22 in the duty rig. In fact last time I saw him carrying off-duty, that G22 was in his holster.