Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital


New member
”Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.”


May I respectfully invite your attention to TFL’s long-standing policy statement – above – re appropriate language. Perhaps you believe words like “ass holes” and “pansies” are suitable for civil conversation among strangers, but some of us do not. Accordingly, I request you consider the propriety of your language before posting.

Ptown Beretta

Here you go. Opinions are like mouths. Everyone has them and only bad things come out of them.

I respectfully invite you to keep a topic from getting personal.

As for the email , it never came through. But you deleted my post so I know what you want. Point taken.

Ptown Beretta

Perhaps I should tell you , and the world, my social security number, address etc? How are you to verify my claims? How many posts would be wasted on who I am.

I am a 3rd generation American decending from French Liniage (gasp!). I believe that the government lies most of the time and only tell half truths the rest of the time.

And I don't get my panties in a bunch over a few swear words. I got over that years ago. This is the INTERNET. But, if it makes you feel better, I can use more "civil" words. I certianly won't lose and sleep over it.


New member

I have read through this thread - I am honestly, puzzled. I can see how one can either agree or disagree with the Iraq war, and either think we should pull out or stay the course.

What I am not following here, is how are the protesters at Walter Reed attacking the troops? At least from what I read above, they are attacking the administration, not the troops. It's the administration that makes the decisions about whether the US goes to war, when we go, and when we pull out, as well as (at the broadest level) what we do there. The military just carries out these high level instructions as their duty.

I am not asking for a flame here, nothing to learn in that... but if anyone can explain the view that the wounded troops in the hospital are the subject of attack, please do.

Ptown Beretta

Hmm, I highly doubt they are going to the hospital to protest at the bureaucrats. They are going to there to make a seen. Whether or not they intend to affect the troops, they are causing harm. And as we all know, those that cause harm to the wrong folks are scum in my books. And I would tell that to any audiance.


New member
I'll try to help explain it

If I was a wounded troop at that hospital and looked out my window what would I see?

Well, If I went for a short walk to a window to look out on what I hoped was a peaceful place and I saw a number of protesters, I would be upset. I would like to know who wouldn't be? Even if I was a troop that didn't agree with the war or the fact of what we do in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fact is that we, that have decided to raise our hand for our country, understand that before we said we would protect this country. We don't get to pick what our leadership puts us into. We trust in them and hope the process of our government, with it's checks and ballance will keep the system fair and as honest as it can be. Is it perfect or always the right thing after history had it's time to resort the issues? No...... but what is perfect? I think it works rather well for the young country we still are.

I would think protesters would be welcome just about any place other than a medical location that tries to heal the war wounded. I just don't know anyone that has served or is in the service that thinks a protest at W.R. Hospital is right. What if it were you in that hospital? No matter if your pro Bush or against him does that matter? If your pro war or against it, should that matter either? Is a hospital ever a place to protest? I guess as long as it is done in a lawful and legal manner you still get to decide..... It is on the same level as protesting at the cemetary right? Come on folks...... think about someone in the condition that these wounded are in..... It is sad to think someone would add that stress to them...... Seems like a protest at the White House or your government locations might be a little better..... and might be heard and respected a lot more......

Just my thoughts.......

Regards......... Rojoe67


New member
"What I am not following here, is how are the protesters at Walter Reed attacking the troops? At least from what I read above, they are attacking the administration, not the troops."


I shall try to explain, or at least to provide my view (which is based on having been one of those troops for over twenty years).

Imagine you are seriously enough hurt that you have been evacuated to Walter Reed. This means your wounds are not routine, since, if they were, you would be treated at a less-sophisticated military hospital (FYI, Walter Reed and Bethesda are essentially at the top of the military medical "food chain”). In addition to being gravely wounded, it is most likely you have seen your closest brothers-in-arms – and, believe me, they are frequently a lot closer than biological brothers – killed and/or severely wounded. You have considerable time while hospitalized to contemplate the war, your future, the fate of your comrades, and so forth. Now, regardless of your personal opinions regarding the war, politics, President Bush, etc., YOU REALLY WANT TO FEEL THAT YOUR SIGNIFICANT SACRIFICES ARE APPRECIATED BY THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. This is critical to your recovery and your re-assimilation into our society. After all, you may well have lost a limb (to cite an all-too-prevalent example at Walter Reed) for this nation, which really means for the average citizen’s freedom and well-being. You go out the main gate with a couple buddies on Saturday afternoon and here are those same “average citizens” protesting the war.

Even if the protesters intend to differentiate their opinions re the conflict, terrorism, politics, Bush, and so forth from their attitudes about the warriors, it is VERY likely you will be deeply offended by their demonstration. Understandably, this results because you have given so much – perhaps an arm, an eye, or a leg – and these folks are not only opposing the cause for which you have fought and profoundly sacrificed, but also doing it at a venue that is CERTAIN to affect you quite personally.

I know, without any doubt, how these service members feel. I was on active duty throughout the Vietnam War, and when I returned to the United Sates from overseas, I experienced – as did countless others – the hostility on my fellow citizens. I was spat upon, in uniform, in the Chicago airport while in transit to the Pacific. I was called a “baby killer “ (and much worse) in Philadelphia. At that time, I was a VERY junior officer and, obviously, I had NO influence on foreign policy or the conduct of the war; rather, I was simply doing my duty as a citizen, to serve in the military (and, yes, the pre-lottery draft was in full-force when I enlisted and was commissioned).

This brings me back to my initial post to this thread. If individuals want to protest the war, which is clearly their right, they may do so. However, when they do it in ways that are GUARANTEED to further hurt the youngsters who have borne the REAL COSTS of the conflict – only to garner publicity – they are, at best, insensitive and, at worst, despicable.

They should be ashamed of their conduct, not for protesting the war, but for doing so in extremely self-interested ways that are CERTAIN to further exacerbate the wounded kids’ burdens.


New member
If individuals want to protest the war, which is clearly their right, they may do so. However, when they do it in ways that are GUARANTEED to further hurt the youngsters who have borne the REAL COSTS of the conflict – only to garner publicity

I agree. Protest all you want to, but do it with some small measure of class.

Not in front of a hospital for wounded soldiers just because you know that the location could make your protest newsworthy for a minute or two.

Class and compassion go a lot further than low life antics like protesting in front of wounded soldiers.


New member

Ok - thanks. From what I now understand you guys to be saying, the protesters may be causing emotional pain to the wounded soldiers inside. If that's so, I agree, then I agree that these guys inside have been through enough and the protestors absolutely shouldn't be there.

Maybe I have too much faith in my fellow man, but I don't think that is the protestors' intent, anyway. From what I can see about what they are saying, from the actual quotes of interviews and their placards, it looks like they are basically saying "Look what happened to these young men! Let's stop this before more get hurt!". That would not be a malicious intent at all - just the opposite.


"I believe they are tormenting our wounded soldiers and they should just leave them alone," Floyd added.
Code Pink, the group organizing the anti-war demonstrations in front of the Walter Reed hospital, has a controversial leader and affiliations. As Cybercast News Service previously reported, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin has expressed support for the Communist Viet Cong in Vietnam and the Nicaraguan Sandinistas.

Scumbags. Nothing but parasitic socialist scumbags. :barf: :barf: